A new enlightenment about gaps between primes

Abstract in English

The idea of generating prime numbers through sequence of sets of co-primes was the starting point of this paper that ends up by proving two conjectures, the existence of infinitely many twin primes and the Goldbach conjecture. The main idea of our approach is summarized on the creation and on the analyzing sequence of sets of distinct co-primes with the first $n$ primes, $left{ p_i :, ileq n right}$, and the important properties of the modulus linear combination of the co-prime sets, $H=left(1,p_{n+1},..., Pi_{i=1}^n p_i-1right) $, that gives sets of even numbers ${0,2,4,..., Pi_{i=1}^n p_i -2 }$. Furthermore, by generalizing our approach, the Polignac conjecture the existence of infinitely many cousin primes, $p_{n+1}-p_{n}=4$, and the statement that every even integer can be expressed as a difference of two primes, are derived as well.
