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Vertical Distribution Relations For Special Cycles on Unitary Shimura Varieties

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 Added by Dimitar Jetchev
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We consider cycles on a 3-dimensional Shimura varieties attached to a unitary group, defined over extensions of a CM field $E$, which appear in the context of the conjectures of Gan, Gross, and Prasad cite{gan-gross-prasad}. We establish a vertical distribution relation for these cycles over an anticyclotomic extension of $E$, complementing the horizontal distribution relation of cite{jetchev:unitary}, and use this to define a family of norm-compatible cycles over these fields, thus obtaining a universal norm construction similar to the Heegner $Lambda$-module constructed from Heegner points.

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We study the local behavior of special cycles on Shimura varieties for $mathbf{U}(2, 1) times mathbf{U}(1, 1)$ in the setting of the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjectures at primes $tau$ of the totally real field of definition of the unitary spaces which are split in the corresponding totally imaginary quadratic extension. We establish a local formula for their fields of definition, and prove a distribution relation between the Galois and Hecke actions on them. This complements work of cite{jetchev:unitary} at inert primes, where the combinatorics of the formulas are reduced to calculations on the Bruhat--Tits trees, which in the split case must be replaced with higher-dimensional buildings.
We determine the behavior of automorphic Green functions along the boundary components of toroidal compactifications of orthogonal Shimura varieties. We use this analysis to define boundary components of special divisors and prove that the generating series of the resulting special divisors on a toroidal compactification is modular.
299 - David Helm , Yichao Tian , 2014
Let $F$ be a totally real field in which a fixed prime $p$ is inert, and let $E$ be a CM extension of $F$ in which $p$ splits. We fix two positive integers $r,s in mathbb N$. We investigate the Tate conjecture on the special fiber of $G(U(r,s) times U(s,r))$-Shimura variety. We construct cycles which we conjecture to generate the Tate classes and verify our conjecture in the case of $G(U(1,s) times U(s,1))$. We also discuss the general conjecture regarding special cycles on the special fibers of unitary Shimura varieties.
The integral model of a GU(n-1,1) Shimura variety carries a universal abelian scheme over it, and the dual top exterior power of its Lie algebra carries a natural hermitian metric. We express the arithmetic volume of this metrized line bundle, defined as an iterated self-intersection in the Gillet-Soule arithmetic Chow ring, in terms of logarithmic derivatives of Dirichlet L-functions.
362 - Yichao Tian , Liang Xiao 2014
Let $F$ be a totally real field in which a prime number $p>2$ is inert. We continue the study of the (generalized) Goren--Oort strata on quaternionic Shimura varieties over finite extensions of $mathbb F_p$. We prove that, when the dimension of the quaternionic Shimura variety is even, the Tate conjecture for the special fiber of the quaternionic Shimura variety holds for the cuspidal $pi$-isotypical component, as long as the two unramified Satake parameters at $p$ are not differed by a root of unity.
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