Unusual shock-excited OH maser emission in a young Planetary Nebula

Abstract in English

We report on OH maser emission toward G336.644-0.695 (IRAS 16333-4807), which is a H2O maser-emitting Planetary Nebula (PN). We have detected 1612, 1667 and 1720 MHz OH masers at two epochs using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), hereby confirming it as the seventh known case of an OH-maser-emitting PN. This is only the second known PN showing 1720 MHz OH masers after K 3-35 and the only evolved stellar object with 1720 MHz OH masers as the strongest transition. This PN is one of a group of very young PNe. The 1612 MHz and 1667 MHz masers are at a similar velocity to the 22 GHz H2O masers, whereas the 1720 MHz masers show a variable spectrum, with several components spread over a higher velocity range (up to 36 km/s). We also detect Zeeman splitting in the 1720 MHz transition at two epochs (with field strengths of ~2 to ~10 mG), which suggests the OH emission at 1720 MHz is formed in a magnetized environment. These 1720 MHz OH masers may trace short-lived equatorial ejections during the formation of the PN.
