Towards a room-temperature spin quantum bus in diamond via optical spin injection, transport and detection

Abstract in English

Diamond is a proven solid-state platform for spin-based quantum technology. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has been used to realize small-scale quantum information processing (QIP) and quantum sensing under ambient conditions. A major barrier in the development of large-scale QIP in diamond is the connection of NV spin registers by a quantum bus at room temperature. Given that diamond is expected to be an ideal spin transport material, the coherent transport of spin directly between the spin registers offers a potential solution. Yet, there has been no demonstration of spin transport in diamond due to difficulties in achieving spin injection and detection via conventional methods. Here, we exploit detailed knowledge of the paramagnetic defects in diamond to identify novel mechanisms to achieve spin injection, transport and detection in diamond at room temperature. Having identified these mechanisms, we explore how they may be combined to realise an on-chip spin quantum bus.
