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We examine subhaloes and galaxies residing in a simulated LCDM galaxy cluster ($M^{rm crit}_{200}=1.1times10^{15}M_odot/h$) produced by hydrodynamical codes ranging from classic Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), newer SPH codes, adaptive and moving mesh codes. These codes use subgrid models to capture galaxy formation physics. We compare how well these codes reproduce the same subhaloes/galaxies in gravity only, non-radiative hydrodynamics and full feedback physics runs by looking at the overall subhalo/galaxy distribution and on an individual objects basis. We find the subhalo population is reproduced to within $lesssim10%$ for both dark matter only and non-radiative runs, with individual objects showing code-to-code scatter of $lesssim0.1$ dex, although the gas in non-radiative simulations shows significant scatter. Including feedback physics significantly increases the diversity. Subhalo mass and $V_{max}$ distributions vary by $approx20%$. The galaxy populations also show striking code-to-code variations. Although the Tully-Fisher relation is similar in almost all codes, the number of galaxies with $10^{9}M_odot/hlesssim M_*lesssim 10^{12}M_odot/h$ can differ by a factor of 4. Individual galaxies show code-to-code scatter of $sim0.5$ dex in stellar mass. Moreover, strong systematic differences exist, with some codes producing galaxies $70%$ smaller than others. The diversity partially arises from the inclusion/absence of AGN feedback. Our results combined with our companion papers demonstrate that subgrid physics is not just subject to fine-tuning, but the complexity of building galaxies in all environments remains a challenge. We argue even basic galaxy properties, such as the stellar mass to halo mass, should be treated with errors bars of $sim0.2-0.4$ dex.
We examine the properties of the galaxies and dark matter haloes residing in the cluster infall region surrounding the simulated $Lambda$CDM galaxy cluster studied by Elahi et al. (2016) at z=0. The $1.1times10^{15}h^{-1}text{M}_{odot}$ galaxy cluster has been simulated with eight different hydrodynamical codes containing a variety of hydrodynamic solvers and subgrid schemes. All models completed a dark-matter only, non-radiative and full-physics run from the same initial conditions. The simulations contain dark matter and gas with mass resolution $m_{text{DM}}=9.01times 10^8h^{-1}text{M}_{odot}$ and $m_{text{gas}}=1.9times 10^8h^{-1}text{M}_{odot}$ respectively. We find that the synthetic cluster is surrounded by clear filamentary structures that contain ~60% of haloes in the infall region with mass ~$10^{12.5} - 10^{14} h^{-1}text{M}_{odot}$, including 2-3 group-sized haloes ($> 10^{13}h^{-1}text{M}_{odot}$). However, we find that only ~10% of objects in the infall region are subhaloes residing in haloes, which may suggest that there is not much ongoing preprocessing occurring in the infall region at z=0. By examining the baryonic content contained within the haloes, we also show that the code-to-code scatter in stellar fraction across all halo masses is typically ~2 orders of magnitude between the two most extreme cases, and this is predominantly due to the differences in subgrid schemes and calibration procedures that each model uses. Models that do not include AGN feedback typically produce too high stellar fractions compared to observations by at least ~1 order of magnitude.
We have simulated the formation of a massive galaxy cluster (M$_{200}^{rm crit}$ = 1.1$times$10$^{15}h^{-1}M_{odot}$) in a $Lambda$CDM universe using 10 different codes (RAMSES, 2 incarnations of AREPO and 7 of GADGET), modeling hydrodynamics with full radiative subgrid physics. These codes include Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), spanning traditional and advanced SPH schemes, adaptive mesh and moving mesh codes. Our goal is to study the consistency between simulated clusters modeled with different radiative physical implementations - such as cooling, star formation and AGN feedback. We compare images of the cluster at $z=0$, global properties such as mass, and radial profiles of various dynamical and thermodynamical quantities. We find that, with respect to non-radiative simulations, dark matter is more centrally concentrated, the extent not simply depending on the presence/absence of AGN feedback. The scatter in global quantities is substantially higher than for non-radiative runs. Intriguingly, adding radiative physics seems to have washed away the marked code-based differences present in the entropy profile seen for non-radiative simulations in Sembolini et al. (2015): radiative physics + classic SPH can produce entropy cores. Furthermore, the inclusion/absence of AGN feedback is not the dividing line -as in the case of describing the stellar content- for whether a code produces an unrealistic temperature inversion and a falling central entropy profile. However, AGN feedback does strongly affect the overall stellar distribution, limiting the effect of overcooling and reducing sensibly the stellar fraction.
Galaxy cluster outskirts mark the transition region from the mildly non-linear cosmic web to the highly non-linear, virialised, cluster interior. It is in this transition region that the intra-cluster medium (ICM) begins to influence the properties of accreting galaxies and groups, as ram pressure impacts a galaxys cold gas content and subsequent star formation rate. Conversely, the thermodynamical properties of the ICM in this transition region should also feel the influence of accreting substructure (i.e. galaxies and groups), whose passage can drive shocks. In this paper, we use a suite of cosmological hydrodynamical zoom simulations of a single galaxy cluster, drawn from the nIFTy comparison project, to study how the dynamics of substructure accreted from the cosmic web influences the thermodynamical properties of the ICM in the clusters outskirts. We demonstrate how features evident in radial profiles of the ICM (e.g. gas density and temperature) can be linked to strong shocks, transient and short-lived in nature, driven by the passage of substructure. The range of astrophysical codes and galaxy formation models in our comparison are broadly consistent in their predictions (e.g. agreeing when and where shocks occur, but differing in how strong shocks will be); this is as we would expect of a process driven by large-scale gravitational dynamics and strong, inefficiently radiating, shocks. This suggests that mapping such shock structures in the ICM in a clusters outskirts (via e.g. radio synchrotron emission) could provide a complementary measure of its recent merger and accretion history.
We have simulated the formation of a galaxy cluster in a $Lambda$CDM universe using twelve different codes modeling only gravity and non-radiative hydrodynamics (art, arepo, hydra and 9 incarnations of GADGET). This range of codes includes particle based, moving and fixed mesh codes as well as both Eulerian and Lagrangian fluid schemes. The various GADGET implementations span traditional and advanced smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) schemes. The goal of this comparison is to assess the reliability of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of clusters in the simplest astrophysically relevant case, that in which the gas is assumed to be non-radiative. We compare images of the cluster at $z=0$, global properties such as mass, and radial profiles of various dynamical and thermodynamical quantities. The underlying gravitational framework can be aligned very accurately for all the codes allowing a detailed investigation of the differences that develop due to the various gas physics implementations employed. As expected, the mesh-based codes ART and AREPO form extended entropy cores in the gas with rising central gas temperatures. Those codes employing traditional SPH schemes show falling entropy profiles all the way into the very centre with correspondingly rising density profiles and central temperature
We present a comparison of 14 galaxy formation models: 12 different semi-analytical models and 2 halo-occupation distribution models for galaxy formation based upon the same cosmological simulation and merger tree information derived from it. The participating codes have proven to be very successful in their own right but they have all been calibrated independently using various observational data sets, stellar models, and merger trees. In this paper we apply them without recalibration and this leads to a wide variety of predictions for the stellar mass function, specific star formation rates, stellar-to- halo mass ratios, and the abundance of orphan galaxies. The scatter is much larger than seen in previous comparison studies primarily because the codes have been used outside of their native environment within which they are well tested and calibrated. The purpose of the `nIFTy comparison of galaxy formation models is to bring together as many different galaxy formation modellers as possible and to investigate a common approach to model calibration. This paper provides a unified description for all participating models and presents the initial, uncalibrated comparison as a baseline for our future studies where we will develop a common calibration framework and address the extent to which that reduces the scatter in the model predictions seen here.