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Hilbert polynomials and module generating degrees

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 Added by Roger Dellaca
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English
 Authors Roger Dellaca

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We establish a form of the Gotzmann representation of the Hilbert polynomial based on rank and generating degrees of a module, which allow for a generalization of Gotzmanns Regularity Theorem. Under an additional assumption on the generating degrees, the Gotzmann regularity bound becomes sharp. An analoguous modification of the Macaulay representation is used along the way, which generalizes the theorems of Macaulay and Green, and Gotzmanns Persistence Theorem.

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We identify several classes of curves $C:f=0$, for which the Hilbert vector of the Jacobian module $N(f)$ can be completely determined, namely the 3-syzygy curves, the maximal Tjurina curves and the nodal curves, having only rational irreducible components. A result due to Hartshorne, on the cohomology of some rank 2 vector bundles on $mathbb{P}^2$, is used to get a sharp lower bound for the initial degree of the Jacobian module $N(f)$, under a semistability condition.
The texttt{StronglyStableIdeals} package for textit{Macaulay2} provides a method to compute all saturated strongly stable ideals in a given polynomial ring with a fixed Hilbert polynomial. A description of the main method and auxiliary tools is given.
193 - Hanfeng Li 2009
We show that every infinite-dimensional commutative unital C*-algebra has a Hilbert C*-module admitting no frames. In particular, this shows that Kasparovs stabilization theorem for countably generated Hilbert C*-modules can not be extended to arbitrary Hilbert C*-modules.
The Hilbert scheme $mathbf{Hilb}_{p(t)}^{n}$ parametrizes closed subschemes and families of closed subschemes in the projective space $mathbb{P}^n$ with a fixed Hilbert polynomial $p(t)$. It is classically realized as a closed subscheme of a Grassmannian or a product of Grassmannians. In this paper we consider schemes over a field $k$ of characteristic zero and we present a new proof of the existence of the Hilbert scheme as a subscheme of the Grassmannian $mathbf{Gr}_{p(r)}^{N(r)}$, where $N(r)= h^0 (mathcal{O}_{mathbb{P}^n}(r))$. Moreover, we exhibit explicit equations defining it in the Plucker coordinates of the Plucker embedding of $mathbf{Gr}_{p(r)}^{N(r)}$. Our proof of existence does not need some of the classical tools used in previous proofs, as flattening stratifications and Gotzmanns Persistence Theorem. The degree of our equations is $text{deg} p(t)+2$, lower than the degree of the equations given by Iarrobino and Kleiman in 1999 and also lower (except for the case of hypersurfaces) than the degree of those proved by Haiman and Sturmfels in 2004 after Bayers conjecture in 1982. The novelty of our approach mainly relies on the deeper attention to the intrinsic symmetries of the Hilbert scheme and on some results about Grassmannian based on the notion of extensors.
46 - Bernd Sturmfels 2016
This article discusses the design of the Apprenticeship Program at the Fields Institute, held 21 August - 3 September 2016. Six themes from combinatorial algebraic geometry were selected for the two weeks: curves, surfaces, Grassmannians, convexity, abelian combinatorics, parameters and moduli. The activities were structured into fitness, research and scholarship. Combinatorics and concrete computations with polynomials (and theta functions) empowers young scholars in algebraic geometry, and it helps them to connect with the historic roots of their field. We illustrate our perspective for the threefold obtained by blowing up six points in $mathbb{P}^3$.
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