Testing gravity at large scales with HI intensity mapping

Abstract in English

We investigate the possibility of testing Einsteins general theory of relativity (GR) and the standard cosmological model via the $E_{rm G}$ statistic using neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping. We generalise the Fourier space estimator for $E_{rm G}$ to include HI as a biased tracer of matter and forecast statistical errors using HI clustering and lensing surveys that can be performed in the near future, in combination with ongoing and forthcoming optical galaxy and Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) surveys. We find that fractional errors $< 1%$ in the $E_{rm G}$ measurement can be achieved in a number of cases and compare the ability of various survey combinations to differentiate between GR and specific modified gravity models. Measuring $E_{rm G}$ with intensity mapping and the Square Kilometre Array can provide exquisite tests of gravity at cosmological scales.
