Unruh effect as foundation of universal gravitation within the cosmological scenario

Abstract in English

We aim to build a simple model of a gas with temperature ($T$) in thermal equilibrium with a black-body that plays the role of the adiabatically expanding universe, so that each particle of such a gas mimics a kind of particle (quantum) of dark energy, which is inside a very small area of space so-called Planck area ($l_p^{2}$), that is the minimum area of the whole space-time represented by a huge spherical surface with area $4pi r_u^2$, $r_u$ being the Hubble radius. So we should realize that such spherical surface is the surface of the black-body for representing the universe, whose temperature ($T$) is related to an acceleration ($a$) of a proof particle that experiences the own black-body radiation according to the Unruh effect. Thus, by using this model, we derive the law of universal gravitation, which leads us to understand the anti-gravity in the cosmological scenario and also estimate the tiny order of magnitude of the cosmological constant in agreement with the observational data.
