Doping-Enhanced Antiferromagnetism in Ca1-xLaxFeAs2

Abstract in English

In iron pnictides, high temperature superconductivity emerges after suppressing antiferromagnetism by doping. Here we show that antiferromagnetism in Ca$_{1-x}$La$_x$FeAs$_2$ is robust against and even enhanced by doping. Using $^{75}$As-nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance techniques, we find that an antiferromagnetic order occurs below the Neel temperature $T_{rm N}$ = 62 K at a high doping concentration ($x$ = 0.15) where superconductivity sets in at the transition temperature $T_{rm c}$ = 35 K. Unexpectedly, $T_{rm N}$ is enhanced with increasing doping, rising up to $T_{rm N}$ = 70 K at $x$ = 0.24. The obtained phase diagram of this new system enriches the physics of iron-based high-$T_{rm c}$ superconductors.
