Suppression of phonon-mediated hot carrier relaxation in type-II InAs/AlAs$_{x}$Sb$_{1-x}$ quantum wells: a practical route to hot carrier solar cells

Abstract in English

InAs/AlAs$_{x}$Sb$_{1-x}$ quantum wells are investigated for their potential as hot carrier solar cells. Continuous wave power and temperature dependent photoluminescence indicate a transition in the dominant hot carrier relaxation process from conventional phonon-mediated carrier relaxation below 90 K to a regime where inhibited radiative recombination dominates the hot carrier relaxation at elevated temperatures. At temperatures below 90 K photoluminescence measurements are consistent with type-I quantum wells that exhibit hole localization associated with alloy/interface fluctuations. At elevated temperatures hole delocalization reveals the true type-II band alignment; where it is observed that inhibited radiative recombination due to the spatial separation of the charge carriers dominates hot carrier relaxation. This decoupling of phonon-mediated relaxation results in robust hot carriers at higher temperatures even at lower excitation powers. These results indicate type-II quantum wells offer potential as practical hot carrier systems.
