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Light wave propagation through a dilaton-Maxwell domain wall

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 Added by John Morris
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We consider the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a dilaton-Maxwell domain wall of the type introduced by Gibbons and Wells [G.W. Gibbons and C.G. Wells, Class. Quant. Grav. 11, 2499-2506 (1994)]. It is found that if such a wall exists within our observable universe, it would be absurdly thick, or else have a magnetic field in its core which is much stronger than observed intergalactic fields. We conclude that it is highly improbable that any such wall is physically realized.

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We study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in a non-singular bouncing cosmology with a bounce phase which has superimposed oscillations of the scale factor. We identify length scales for which the final spectrum of fluctuations obtains imprints of the non-trivial bounce dynamics. These imprints in the spectrum are manifested in the form of damped oscillation features at scales smaller than a characteristic value and an increased reddening of the spectrum at all the scales as the number of small bounces increases.
We study the information quantities, including the holographic entanglement entropy (HEE), mutual information (MI) and entanglement of purification (EoP), over Gubser-Rocha model. The remarkable property of this model is the zero entropy density at ground state, in term of which we expect to extract novel, even singular informational properties in zero temperature limit. Surprisedly, we do not observe any singular behavior of entanglement-related physical quantities under the zero temperature limit. Nevertheless, we find a peculiar property from Gubser-Rocha model that in low temperature region, the HEE decreases with the increase of temperature, which is contrary to that in most holographic models. We argue that this novel phenomenon is brought by the singular property of the zero temperature limit, of which the analytical verification is present. In addition, we also compare the features of the information quantities in Gubser-Rocha model with those in Reissner-Nordstrom Anti-de Sitter (RN-AdS) black hole model. It is shown that the HEE and MI of Gubser-Rocha model are always larger than those of RN-AdS model, while the EoP behaves in an opposite way. Our results indicate that MI and EoP could have different abilities in describing mixed state entanglement.
We consider a brane cosmology scenario by taking an inflating 3D domain wall immersed in a five-dimensional Minkowski space in the presence of a stack of $N$ parallel domain walls. They are static BPS solutions of the bosonic sector of a 5D supergravity theory. However, one can move towards each other due to an attractive force in between driven by bulk particle collisions and {it resonant tunneling effect}. The accelerating domain wall is a 3-brane that is assumed to be our inflating early Universe. We analyze this inflationary phase governed by the inflaton potential induced on the brane. We compute the slow-roll parameters and show that the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are within the recent observational data.
We extend earlier work by introducing an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton (EMD) action with two quark flavours. We solve the corresponding equations of motion in the quenched approximation (probe quark flavours) via the potential reconstruction method in presence of a background magnetic field in search for a self-consistent dual magnetic AdS/QCD model. As an application we discuss the deconfinement transition temperature confirming inverse magnetic catalysis, whilst for moderate values of the magnetic field also the entropy density compares relatively well with corresponding lattice data in the vicinity of the transition.
78 - Z. G. Huang , H. Q. Lu , W. Fang 2006
Based on dilatonic dark energy model, we consider two cases: dilaton field with positive kinetic energy(coupled quintessence) and with negative kinetic energy(phantom). In the two cases, we investigate the existence of attractor solutions which correspond to an equation of state parameter $omega=-1$ and a cosmic density parameter $Omega_sigma=1$. We find that the coupled term between matter and dilaton cant affect the existence of attractor solutions. In the Mexican hat potential, the attractor behaviors, the evolution of state parameter $omega$ and cosmic density parameter $Omega$, are shown mathematically. Finally, we show the effect of coupling term on the evolution of $X(frac{sigma}{sigma_0})$ and $Y(frac{dot{sigma}}{sigma^2_0})$ with respect to $N(lna)$ numerically.
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