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Recent Progress in Search for Dark Sector Signatures

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 Added by Maksym Deliyergiyev
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Many difficulties are encountered when attempting to pinpoint a common origin for several observed astrophysical anomalies, and when assessing their tension with existing exclusion limits. These include systematic uncertainties affecting the operation of the detectors, our knowledge of their response, astrophysical uncertainties, and the broad range of particle couplings that can mediate interaction with a detector target. Particularly interesting astrophysical evidence has motivated a search for dark-photon, and focused our attention on a Hidden Valleys model with a GeV-scale dark sector that produces exciting signatures. Results from recent underground experiments are also considered. There is a `light hidden sector (dark sector), present in many models of new physics beyond the Standard Model, which contains a colorful spectrum of new particles. Recently, it has been shown that this spectrum can give rise to unique signatures at colliders when the mass scale in the hidden sector is well below a TeV; as in Hidden Valleys, Stueckelberg extensions, and Unparticle models. These physics models produce unique signatures of collimated leptons at high energies. By studying these ephemeral particles we hope to trace the history of the Universe. Our present theories lead us to believe that there is something new just around the corner, which should be accessible at the energies made available by modern colliders.

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We present recent results of the NNPDF collaboration on a full DIS analysis of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs). Our method is based on the idea of combining a Monte Carlo sampling of the probability measure in the space of PDFs with the use of neural networks as unbiased universal interpolating functions. The general structure of the project and the features of the fit are described and compared to those of the traditional approaches.
162 - Yu Cheng , Wei Liao , Qi-Shu Yan 2021
We explore the possibility that the dark matter relic density is not produced by thermal mechanism directly, but by the decay of other heavier dark sector particles which on the other hand can be produced by the thermal freeze-out mechanism. Using a concrete model with a light dark matter from dark sector decay, we study the collider signature of the dark sector particles in association with Higgs production processes. We find that the future lepton colliders can be a better place to probe the signature of this kind of light dark matter model than the hadron collider such as LHC. Meanwhile, it is found that a Higgs factory with center of mass energy 250 GeV has a better potential to resolve the signature of this kind of light dark matter model than the Higgs factory with center of mass energy 350 GeV.
99 - T. J. Hobbs 2016
Over the past $sim!! 10$ years, the topic of the nucleons nonperturbative or $textit{intrinsic}$ charm (IC) content has enjoyed something of a renaissance, largely motivated by theoretical developments involving quark modelers and PDF fitters. In this talk I will briefly describe the importance of intrinsic charm to various issues in high-energy phenomenology, and survey recent progress in constraining its overall normalization and contribution to the momentum sum rule of the nucleon. I end with the conclusion that progress on the side of calculation has now placed the onus on experiment to unambiguously resolve the protons intrinsic charm component.
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This contribution to the CPT16 meeting briefly highlights some of the recent progress in the phenomenology of Lorentz and CPT violation, with emphasis on research performed at the Indiana University Center for Spacetime Symmetries.
109 - Uwe Grimm 2013
A brief summary of recent developments in mathematical diffraction theory is given. Particular emphasis is placed on systems with aperiodic order and continuous spectral components. We restrict ourselves to some key results and refer to the literature for further details.
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