Differential Emission Measure and Electron Distribution Function Reconstructed from RHESSI and SDO Observations

Abstract in English

To solve a number of problems in solar physics related to mechanisms of energy release in solar corona parameters of hot coronal plasma are required, such as energy distribution, emission measure, differential emission measure, and their evolution with time. Of special interest is the distribution of solar plasma by energies, which can evolve from a nearly Maxwellian distribution to a distribution with a more complex structure during a solar flare. The exact form of this distribution for low-energy particles, which receive the bulk of flare energy, is still poorly known; therefore, detailed investigations are required. We present a developed method of simultaneous fitting of data from two spacecrafts Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) and Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), using a differential emission measure and a thin target model for the August 14, 2010 flare event.
