Know Your Phish: Novel Techniques for Detecting Phishing Sites and their Targets

Abstract in English

Phishing is a major problem on the Web. Despite the significant attention it has received over the years, there has been no definitive solution. While the state-of-the-art solutions have reasonably good performance, they require a large amount of training data and are not adept at detecting phishing attacks against new targets. In this paper, we begin with two core observations: (a) although phishers try to make a phishing webpage look similar to its target, they do not have unlimited freedom in structuring the phishing webpage; and (b) a webpage can be characterized by a small set of key terms; how these key terms are used in different parts of a webpage is different in the case of legitimate and phishing webpages. Based on these observations, we develop a phishing detection system with several notable properties: it is language-independent, can be implemented entirely on client-side, has excellent classification performance and is fast. In addition, we developed a target identification component that can identify the target website that a phishing webpage is attempting to mimic. The target detection component is faster than previously reported systems and can help minimize false positives in our phishing detection system.
