The U(1)A anomaly in high temperature QCD with chiral fermions on the lattice

Abstract in English

The magnitude of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry breaking is expected to affect the nature of $N_f=2$ QCD chiral phase transition. The explicit breaking of chiral symmetry due to realistic light quark mass is small, so it is important to use chiral fermions on the lattice to understand the effect of $U_A(1)$ near the chiral crossover temperature, $T_c$. We report our latest results for the eigenvalue spectrum of 2+1 flavour QCD with dynamical Mobius domain wall fermions at finite temperature probed using the overlap operator on $32^3times 8$ lattice. We check how sensitive the low-lying eigenvalues are to the sea-light quark mass. We also present a comparison with the earlier independent results with domain wall fermions.
