Robustness and efficiency of covariate adjusted linear instrumental variable estimators

Abstract in English

Two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimators and variants thereof are widely used to infer the effect of an exposure on an outcome using instrumental variables (IVs). They belong to a wider class of two-stage IV estimators, which are based on fitting a conditional mean model for the exposure, and then using the fitted exposure values along with the covariates as predictors in a linear model for the outcome. We show that standard TSLS estimators enjoy greater robustness to model misspecification than more general two-stage estimators. However, by potentially using a wrong exposure model, e.g. when the exposure is binary, they tend to be inefficient. In view of this, we study double-robust G-estimators instead. These use working models for the exposure, IV and outcome but only require correct specification of either the IV model or the outcome model to guarantee consistent estimation of the exposure effect. As the finite sample performance of the locally efficient G-estimator can be poor, we further develop G-estimation procedures with improved efficiency and robustness properties under misspecification of some or all working models. Simulation studies and a data analysis demonstrate drastic improvements, with remarkably good performance even when one or more working models are misspecified.
