Spin Fluctuations from Hertz to Terahertz on a Triangular Lattice

Abstract in English

The temporal magnetic correlations of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet NiGa$_2$S$_4$ are examined through thirteen decades ($10^{-13}-1$~sec) using ultra-high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering, muon spin relaxation, AC and nonlinear susceptibility measurements. Unlike the short-ranged {it spatial} correlations, the temperature dependence of the {it temporal} correlations show distinct anomalies. The spin fluctuation rate decreases precipitously upon cooling towards $T^{ast}=8.5$~K, but fluctuations on the microsecond time scale then persist in an anomalous dynamical regime for 4 K $<Tle T^{ast}$. As this time scale exceeds that of single site dynamics by six orders of magnitude, these fluctuations bear evidence of emergent degrees of freedom within the short-range correlated incommensurate state of NiGa$_2$S$_4$.
