Classical Computation by Quantum Bits

Abstract in English

Atomic-scale logic and the minimization of heating (dissipation) are both very high on the agenda for future computation hardware. An approach to achieve these would be to replace networks of transistors directly by classical reversible logic gates built from the coherent dynamics of a few interacting atoms. As superpositions are unnecessary before and after each such gate (inputs and outputs are bits), the dephasing time only needs to exceed a single gate operation time, while fault tolerance should be achieved with low overhead, by classical coding. Such gates could thus be a spin-off of quantum technology much before full-scale quantum computation. Thus motivated, we propose methods to realize the 3-bit Toffoli and Fredkin gates universal for classical reversible logic using a single time-independent 3-qubit Hamiltonian with realistic nearest neighbour two-body interactions. We also exemplify how these gates can be composed to make a larger circuit. We show that trapped ions may soon be scalable simulators for such architectures, and investigate the prospects with dopants in silicon.
