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On Higher Structures

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 Added by Nils Baas
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English
 Authors Nils A. Baas

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In this paper we discuss various philosophical aspects of the hyperstructure concept extending networks and higher categories. By this discussion we hope to pave the way for applications and further developments of the mathematical theory of hyperstructures.

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55 - Nils A. Baas 2018
The purpose of this paper is to describe and elaborate the philosophical ideas behind hyperstructures and structure formation in general and emphasize the key ideas of the Hyperstructure Program.
76 - Nils A. Baas 2018
In this paper we will relate hyperstructures and the general $mathscr{H}$-principle to known mathematical structures, and also discuss how they may give rise to new mathematical structures. The main purpose is to point out new ideas and directions of investigation.
53 - Nils A. Baas 2018
We formulate a general approach to higher concurrencies in general and neural codes in particular, and suggest how the higher order aspects may be dealt with in using topology.
In this Chapter, we discuss the effects of higher-order structures on SIS-like processes of social contagion. After a brief motivational introduction where we illustrate the standard SIS process on networks and the difference between simple and complex contagions, we introduce spreading processes on higher-order structures starting from the most general formulation on hypergraphs and then moving to several mean-field and heterogeneous mean-field approaches. The results highlight the rich phenomenology brought by taking into account higher-order contagion effects: both continuous and discontinuous transitions are observed, and critical mass effects emerge. We conclude with a short discussion on the theoretical results regarding the nature of the epidemic transition and the general need for data to validate these models.
159 - Jun Ling 2019
We construct a function for almost-complex Riemannian manifolds. Non-vanishing of the function for the almost-complex structure implies the almost-complex structure is not integrable. Therefore the constructed function is an obstruction for the existence of complex structures from the almost-complex structure. It is a function, not a tensor, so it is easier to work with.
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