Mechanical strain in capped and uncapped self-assembled Ge/Si quantum dots

Abstract in English

In this study we numerically calculate the spatial profile of mechanical strain on self-assembled germanium (Ge) quantum dots (QDs) grown on a silicon (Si) substrate. Although the topic has been exhaustively studied, interesting features have not been explained or even mentioned in the literature yet. We studied the effect of the cap layer considering two cases: capped QDs (where a Si cap is present above the Ge QDs) and uncapped QDs (where no Si is present above the Ge QDs). We observed that Ge in the capped QDs is more strained compared with the the uncapped QDs. This expected effect is attributed to the additional tension from the Si cap layer. However, the situation is opposite for the Si substrate, it is more strained in the uncapped QD because the Ge layer is less strained in this case. We also calculated the band-edge alignment for the electrons and holes.
