Characterizations of Variable Exponent Hardy Spaces via Riesz Transforms

Abstract in English

Let $p(cdot): mathbb R^nto(0,infty)$ be a variable exponent function satisfying that there exists a constant $p_0in(0,p_-)$, where $p_-:=mathop{mathrm {ess,inf}}_{xin mathbb R^n}p(x)$, such that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on the variable exponent Lebesgue space $L^{p(cdot)/p_0}(mathbb R^n)$. In this article, via investigating relations between boundary valued of harmonic functions on the upper half space and elements of variable exponent Hardy spaces $H^{p(cdot)}(mathbb R^n)$ introduced by E. Nakai and Y. Sawano and, independently, by D. Cruz-Uribe and L.-A. D. Wang, the authors characterize $H^{p(cdot)}(mathbb R^n)$ via the first order Riesz transforms when $p_-in (frac{n-1}n,infty)$, and via compositions of all the first order Riesz transforms when $p_-in(0,frac{n-1}n)$.
