Spin-noise-based magnetometry of an $n$-doped GaAs microcavity in the field of elliptically polarized light

Abstract in English

Recently reported optical nuclear orientation in the $n$-doped GaAs microcavity under pumping in nominal transparency region of the crystal [Appl. Phys. Lett. $mathbf{106}$, 242405 (2015)] has arisen a number of questions, the main of them concerning mechanisms of angular momentum transfer from the light to the nuclear spin system and the nature of the light-related magnetic fields accompanying the optical nuclear polarization. In this paper, we use the spin noise spectroscopy for magnetometric purposes, particularly, to study effective fields acting upon electron spin system of an $n$-GaAs layer inside a high-Q microcavity in the presence of elliptically polarized probe beam. In addition to the external magnetic field applied to the sample in the Voigt geometry and the Overhauser field created by optically oriented nuclei, the spin noise spectrum reveals an additional effective, optical, magnetic field produced by elliptically polarized probe itself. This field is directed along the light propagation axis, with its sign being determined by the sign of the probe helicity and its magnitude depending on degree of circular polarization and intensity of the probe beam. We analyze properties of this optical magnetic field and suggest that it results from the optical Stark effect in the field of the elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave.
