Looking for Gamma-ray Emission from TeV Binary Candidates with HAWC

Abstract in English

The Milky Way contains hundreds of binary systems which are known to emit in radio and X-rays, but only a handful of binaries have been observed to produce very high-energy gamma rays. In addition, the emission mechanisms which produce the gamma rays in the few known sources are not well understood. To improve the statistics of binary sources in the TeV band, the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-ray Observatory, or HAWC, has begun to carry out a simultaneous survey of TeV binary candidates in the Northern Hemisphere between 100 GeV and 100 TeV. HAWC is a surface array that records air showers from cosmic rays and gamma rays with a high uptime and wide field of view, making it well-suited to observe time-dependent emission from objects such as TeV binaries. We describe the sensitivity of HAWC to periodic emission from Galactic sources of gamma rays and present data from the first year of observations with the partially constructed observatory.
