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Interpreting broad emission-line variations II: Tensions between luminosity, characteristic size and responsivity

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 Added by Michael Goad R
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the variability behaviour of the broad Hb emission-line to driving continuum variations in the best-studied AGN NGC 5548. For a particular choice of BLR geometry, Hb surface emissivity based on photoionization models, and using a scaled version of the 13 yr optical continuum light curve as a proxy for the driving ionizing continuum, we explore several key factors that determine the broad emission line luminosity L, characteristic size R(RW), and variability amplitude (i.e., responsivity) eta, as well as the interplay between them. For fixed boundary models which extend as far as the hot-dust the predicted delays for Hb are on average too long. However, the predicted variability amplitude of Hb provides a remarkably good match to observations except during low continuum states. We suggest that the continuum flux variations which drive the redistribution in Hb surface emissivity F(r) do not on their own lead to large enough changes in R(RW) or eta(eff). We thus investigate dust-bounded BLRs for which the location of the effective outer boundary is modulated by the continuum level and the dust-sublimation and dust-condensation timescales. We find that in order to match the observed variability amplitude of broad Hb in NGC 5548 a rather static outer boundary is preferred. Intriguingly, we show that the most effective way of reducing the Hb delay, while preserving its responsivity and equivalent width, is to invoke a smaller value in the incident ionizing photon flux Phi(H) for a given ionizing source--cloud radial distance r, than is normally inferred from the observed UV continuum flux and typical models of the continuum SED.

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We reinvestigate the relationship between the characteristic broad-line region size (R_blr) and the Balmer emission-line, X-ray, UV, and optical continuum luminosities. Our study makes use of the best available determinations of R_blr for a large number of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from Peterson et al. Using their determinations of R_blr for a large sample of AGNs and two different regression methods, we investigate the robustness of our correlation results as a function of data sub-sample and regression technique. Though small systematic differences were found depending on the method of analysis, our results are generally consistent. Assuming a power-law relation R_blr propto L^alpha, we find the mean best-fitting alpha is about 0.67+/-0.05 for the optical continuum and the broad Hbeta luminosity, about 0.56+/-0.05 for the UV continuum luminosity, and about 0.70+/-0.14 for the X-ray luminosity. We also find an intrinsic scatter of about 40% in these relations. The disagreement of our results with the theoretical expected slope of 0.5 indicates that the simple assumption of all AGNs having on average same ionization parameter, BLR density, column density, and ionizing spectral energy distribution, is not valid and there is likely some evolution of a few of these characteristics along the luminosity scale.
The combination of the linear size from reverberation mapping (RM) and the angular distance of the broad line region (BLR) from spectroastrometry (SA) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) can be used to measure the Hubble constant $H_0$. Recently, Wang et al. (2020) successfully employed this approach and estimated $H_0$ from 3C 273. However, there may be a systematic deviation between the response-weighted radius (RM measurement) and luminosity-weighted radius (SA measurement), especially when different broad lines are adopted for size indicators (e.g., hb for RM and pa for SA). Here we evaluate the size deviations measured by six pairs of hydrogen lines (e.g., hb, ha and pa) via the locally optimally emitting cloud (LOC) models of BLR. We find that the radius ratios $K$(=$R_{rm SA}$/$R_{rm RM}$) of the same line deviated systematically from 1 (0.85-0.88) with dispersions between 0.063-0.083. Surprisingly, the $K$ values from the pa(SA)/hb(RM) and ha(SA)/hb(RM) pairs not only are closest to 1 but also have considerably smaller uncertainty. Considering the current infrared interferometry technology, the pa(SA)/hb(RM) pair is the ideal choice for the low redshift objects in the SARM project. In the future, the ha(SA)/hb(RM) pair could be used for the high redshift luminous quasars. These theoretical estimations of the SA/RM radius pave the way for the future SARM measurements to further constrain the standard cosmological model.
168 - Conor Wildy , Bozena Czerny 2017
Several observed spectral properties of quasars are believed to be influenced by quasar orientation. In this investigation we examine the effect of orientation on the Mg II line located at 2798 {AA} in a sample of 36 radio-loud quasars, with orientation angles having been obtained in a previous study using radio observations. We find no significant relationship between orientation angle and either Mg II line full-width at half-maximum or equivalent width. The lack of correlation with inclination angle contradicts previous studies which also use radio data as a proxy for inclination angle and suggests the Mg II emission region does not occupy a disk-like geometry. The lack of correlation with Mg II equivalent width, however, is reported in at least one previous study. Although the significance is not very strong (86 percent), there is a possible negative relationship between inclination angle and Fe II strength which, if true, could explain the Fe II anti-correlation with [O III ] strength associated with Eigenvector 1. Interestingly, there are objects having almost edge-on inclinations while still exhibiting broad lines. This could be explained by a torus which is either clumpy (allowing sight lines to the central engine) or mis-aligned with the accretion disk.
393 - H. T. Liu , J. M. Bai , J. M. Wang 2013
In the paper, we investigate correlation between broad-line and radio variations for broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120. By the z-transformed discrete correlation function method and the model-independent flux randomization/random subset selection (FR/RSS) Monte Carlo method, we find that the broad Hbeta line variations lead the 15 GHz variations. The FR/RSS method shows that the Hbeta line variations lead the radio variations by a factor of tau_{ob}=0.34 +/- 0.01 yr. This time lag can be used to locate the position of emitting region of radio outbursts in jet, on the order of ~ 5 light-years, from the central engine. This distance is much larger than the size of broad-line region. The large separation of the radio outburst emitting region from the broad-line region will observably influence the gamma-ray emission in 3C 120.
193 - Sascha Trippe 2015
The masses of supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be derived spectroscopically via virial mass estimators based on selected broad optical/ultraviolet emission lines. These estimates commonly use the line width as a proxy for the gas speed and the monochromatic continuum luminosity as a proxy for the radius of the broad line region. However, if the size of the broad line region scales with bolometric rather than monochromatic AGN luminosity, mass estimates based on different emission lines will show a systematic discrepancy which is a function of the color of the AGN continuum. This has actually been observed in mass estimates based on H-alpha / H-beta and C IV lines, indicating that AGN broad line regions indeed scale with bolometric luminosity. Given that this effect seems to have been overlooked as yet, currently used single-epoch mass estimates are likely to be biased.
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