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Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians for Gentle algebras

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 Added by Ming Lu
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Following [20], a desingularization of arbitrary quiver Grassmannians for finite dimensional Gorenstein projective modules of 1-Gorenstein gentle algebras is constructed in terms of quiver Grassmannians for their Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras.

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We show that Auslander algebras have a unique tilting and cotilting module which is generated and cogenerated by a projective-injective; its endomorphism ring is called the projective quotient algebra. For any representation-finite algebra, we use the projective quotient algebra to construct desingularizations of quiver Grassmannians, orbit closures in representation varieties, and their desingularizations. This generalizes results of Cerulli Irelli, Feigin and Reineke.
175 - Xinhong Chen , Ming Lu 2015
For any gentle algebra $Lambda=KQ/langle Irangle$, following Kalck, we describe the quiver and the relations for its Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebra $mathrm{Aus}(mathrm{Gproj}Lambda)$ explicitly, and obtain some properties, such as $Lambda$ is representation-finite if and only if $mathrm{Aus}(mathrm{Gproj}Lambda)$ is; if $Q$ has no loop and any indecomposable $Lambda$-module is uniquely determined by its dimension vector, then any indecomposable $mathrm{Aus}(mathrm{Gproj}Lambda)$-module is uniquely determined by its dimension vector.
We provide the localization procedure for monoidal categories by a real commuting family of braiders. For an element $w$ of the Weyl group, $mathscr{C}_w$ is a subcategory of modules over quiver Hecke algebra which categorifies the quantum unipotent coordinate algebra $A_q[mathfrak{n}(w)]$. We construct the localization $widetilde{mathscr{C}_w}$ of $mathscr{C}_w$ by adding the inverses of simple modules which correspond to the frozen variables in the quantum cluster algebra $A_q[mathfrak{n}(w)]$. The localization $widetilde{mathscr{C}_w}$ is left rigid and we expect that it is rigid.
164 - Xinhong Chen , Ming Lu 2014
Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $(Q,Sp,I)$ be a skewed-gentle triple, $(Q^{sg},I^{sg})$ and $(Q^g,I^{g})$ be its corresponding skewed-gentle pair and associated gentle pair respectively. It proves that the skewed-gentle algebra $KQ^{sg}/< I^{sg}>$ is singularity equivalent to $KQ/< I>$. Moreover, we use $(Q,Sp,I)$ to describe the singularity category of $KQ^g/< I^g>$. As a corollary, we get that $mathrm{gldim} KQ^{sg}/< I^{sg}><infty$ if and only if $mathrm{gldim} KQ/< I><infty$ if and only if $mathrm{gldim} KQ^{g}/< I^{g}><infty$.
For a finite-dimensional gentle algebra, it is already known that the functorially finite torsion classes of its category of finite-dimensional modules can be classified using a combinatorial interpretation, called maximal non-crossing sets of strings, of the corresponding support $tau$-tilting module (or equivalently, two-term silting complexes). In the topological interpretation of gentle algebras via marked surfaces, such a set can be interpreted as a dissection (or partial triangulation), or equivalently, a lamination that does not contain a closed curve. We will refine this combinatorics, which gives us a classification of torsion classes in the category of finite length modules over a (possibly infinite-dimensional) gentle algebra. As a consequence, our result also unifies the functorially finite torsion class classification of finite-dimensional gentle algebras with certain classes of special biserial algebras - such as Brauer graph algebras.
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