Does P-type Ohmic Contact Exist in WSe2-metal Interfaces?

Abstract in English

Formation of low-resistance metal contacts is the biggest challenge that masks the intrinsic exceptional electronic properties of 2D WSe2 devices. We present the first comparative study of the interfacial properties between ML/BL WSe2 and Sc, Al, Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt contacts by using ab initio energy band calculations with inclusion of the spin-orbital coupling (SOC) effects and quantum transport simulations. The interlayer coupling tends to reduce both the electron and hole Schottky barrier heights (SBHs) and alters the polarity for WSe2-Au contact, while the SOC chiefly reduces the hole SBH. In the absence of the SOC, Pd contact has the smallest hole SBH with a value no less than 0.22 eV. Dramatically, Pt contact surpasses Pd contact and becomes p-type Ohmic or quasi-Ohmic contact with inclusion of the SOC. Our study provides a theoretical foundation for the selection of favorable metal electrodes in ML/BL WSe2 devices.
