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The mass distribution in an assembling super galaxy group at $z=0.37$

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 Added by Merijn Smit
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a weak gravitational lensing analysis of supergroup SG1120$-$1202, consisting of four distinct X-ray-luminous groups, that will merge to form a cluster comparable in mass to Coma at $z=0$. These groups lie within a projected separation of 1 to 4 Mpc and within $Delta v=550$ km s$^{-1}$ and form a unique protocluster to study the matter distribution in a coalescing system. Using high-resolution {em HST}/ACS imaging, combined with an extensive spectroscopic and imaging data set, we study the weak gravitational distortion of background galaxy images by the matter distribution in the supergroup. We compare the reconstructed projected density field with the distribution of galaxies and hot X-ray emitting gas in the system and derive halo parameters for the individual density peaks. We show that the projected mass distribution closely follows the locations of the X-ray peaks and associated brightest group galaxies. One of the groups that lies at slightly lower redshift ($zapprox 0.35$) than the other three groups ($zapprox 0.37$) is X-ray luminous, but is barely detected in the gravitational lensing signal. The other three groups show a significant detection (up to $5 sigma$ in mass), with velocity dispersions between $355^{+55}_{-70}$ and $530^{+45}_{-55}$ km s$^{-1}$ and masses between $0.8^{+0.4}_{-0.3} times 10^{14}$ and $1.6^{+0.5}_{-0.4}times 10^{14} h^{-1} M_{odot}$, consistent with independent measurements. These groups are associated with peaks in the galaxy and gas density in a relatively straightforward manner. Since the groups show no visible signs of interaction, this supports the picture that we are catching the groups before they merge into a cluster.

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We analyse cosmological hydrodynamic simulations that include observationally-constrained prescriptions for galactic outflows. If these simulated winds accurately represent winds in the real Universe, then material previously ejected in winds provides the dominant source of gas infall for new star formation at redshifts z<1. This recycled wind accretion, or wind mode, provides a third physically distinct accretion channel in addition to the hot and cold modes emphasised in recent theoretical studies. Because of the interaction between outflows and gas in and around halos, the recycling timescale of wind material (t_rec) is shorter in higher-mass systems, which reside in denser gaseous environments. In these simulations, this differential recycling plays a central role in shaping the present-day galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF). If we remove all particles that were ever ejected in a wind, then the predicted GSMFs are much steeper than observed; galaxy masses are suppressed both by the direct removal of gas and by the hydrodynamic heating of their surroundings, which reduces subsequent infall. With wind recycling included, the simulation that incorporates our favoured momentum-driven wind scalings reproduces the observed GSMF for stellar masses 10^9 < M < 5x10^10 Msolar. At higher masses, wind recycling leads to excessive galaxy masses and excessive star formation rates relative to observations. In these massive systems, some quenching mechanism must suppress the re-accretion of gas ejected from star-forming galaxies. In short, as has long been anticipated, the form of the GSMF is governed by outflows; the unexpected twist here for our simulated winds is that it is not primarily the ejection of material but how the ejected material is re-accreted that governs the GSMF.
We analyze GALEX UV data for a system of four gravitationally-bound groups at z=0.37, SG1120, which is destined to merge into a Coma-mass cluster by z=0, to study how galaxy properties may change during cluster assembly. Of the 38 visually-classified S0 galaxies, with masses ranging from log(M_*)~10-11, we detect only one in the NUV channel, a strongly star-forming S0 that is the brightest UV source with a measured redshift placing it in SG1120. Stacking the undetected S0 galaxies (which generally lie on or near the optical red-sequence of SG1120) still results in no NUV/FUV detection (<2 sigma). Using our limit in the NUV band, we conclude that for a rapidly truncating star formation rate, star formation ceased *at least* ~0.1 to 0.7 Gyr ago, depending on the strength of the starburst prior to truncation. With an exponentially declining star-formation history over a range of time-scales, we rule out recent star-formation over a wide range of ages. We conclude that if S0 formation involves significant star formation, it occurred well before the groups were in this current pre-assembly phase. As such, it seems that S0 formation is even more likely to be predominantly occurring outside of the cluster environment.
We present X-ray and spectroscopic confirmation of a cluster assembling from multiple, distinct galaxy groups at z=0.371. Initially detected in the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey, the structure contains at least four X-ray detected groups that lie within a maximum projected separation of 4 Mpc and within dv=550 km/s of one another. Using Chandra imaging and wide-field optical spectroscopy, we show that the individual groups lie on the local sigma-T relation, and derive a total mass of M>=5e14 solar masses for the entire structure. We demonstrate that the groups are gravitationally bound to one another and will merge into a single cluster with >=1/3 the mass of Coma. We also find that although the cluster is in the process of forming, the individual groups already have a higher fraction of passive members than the field. This result indicates that galaxy evolution on group scales is key to developing the early-type galaxies that dominate the cluster population by z~0.
We study the radial number density and stellar mass density distributions of satellite galaxies in a sample of 60 massive clusters at 0.04<z<0.26 selected from the Multi-Epoch Nearby Cluster Survey (MENeaCS) and the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project (CCCP). In addition to ~10,000 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies, we use deep ugri-band imaging to estimate photometric redshifts and stellar masses, and then statistically subtract fore-, and background sources using data from the COSMOS survey. We measure the galaxy number density and stellar mass density distributions in logarithmically spaced bins over 2 orders of magnitude in radial distance from the BCGs. For projected distances in the range 0.1<R/R200<2.0, we find that the stellar mass distribution is well-described by an NFW profile with a concentration of c=2.03+/-0.20. However, at smaller radii we measure a significant excess in the stellar mass in satellite galaxies of about $10^{11}$ Msun per cluster, compared to these NFW profiles. We do obtain good fits to generalized NFW profiles with free inner slopes, and to Einasto profiles. To examine how clusters assemble their stellar mass component over cosmic time, we compare this local sample to the GCLASS cluster sample at z~1, which represents the approximate progenitor sample of the low-z clusters. This allows for a direct comparison, which suggests that the central parts (R<0.4 Mpc) of the stellar mass distributions of satellites in local galaxy clusters are already in place at z~1, and contain sufficient excess material for further BCG growth. Evolving towards z=0, clusters appear to assemble their stellar mass primarily onto the outskirts, making them grow in an inside-out fashion.
(Abridged) We performed a spectroscopic galaxy survey, complete to m<20.3 (L_B>0.15L_B* at z=0.3), within 100x100 of the quasar Q1127-145 (z=1.18). The VLT/UVES quasar spectrum contains three z<0.33 MgII absorption systems. We obtained eight new galaxy redshifts, adding to the four previously known, and galaxy star formation rates and metallicities were computed where possible. A strong MgII system [W_r(2796)=1.8A], which is a known DLA, had three previously identified galaxies; we found two additional galaxies associated with this system. These five galaxies form a group with diverse properties, such as a luminosity range of 0.04<L_B<0.63L_B*, an impact parameter range of 17<D<241kpc and velocity dispersion of 115km/s. The DLA group galaxy redshifts span beyond the 350km/s velocity spread of the metallic absorption lines of the DLA itself. The two brightest group galaxies have SFRs of a few Msun/yr and should not have strong winds. We have sufficient spectroscopic information to directly compare three of the five group galaxies (emission-line) metallicities with the DLA (absorption) metallicity: the DLA metallicity is 1/10th solar, substantially lower than the three galaxies which range between less than 1/2 solar to solar metallicity. HST/WFPC-2 imaging shows perturbed morphologies for the three brightest group galaxies, with tidal tails extending 25kpc. We favor a scenario where the DLA absorption originates from tidal debris in the group environment. Another absorber exhibits weak MgII absorption [W_r(2796)=0.03A] and had a previously identified galaxy at a similar redshift. We have identified a second galaxy associated with this system. Both galaxies have solar metallicities and unperturbed morphologies. The SFR of one galaxy is much lower than expected for strong outflows. Finally, we have identified five galaxies at large impact parameters with no associated MgII absorption.
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