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Entropic Empirical Mode Decomposition

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 Added by Sumit Kumar Ram
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) is an adaptive data analysis technique for analyzing nonlinear and nonstationary data[1]. EMD decomposes the original data into a number of Intrinsic Mode Functions(IMFs)[1] for giving better physical insight of the data. Permutation Entropy(PE) is a complexity measure[3] function which is widely used in the field of complexity theory for analyzing the local complexity of time series. In this paper we are combining the concepts of PE and EMD to resolve the mode mixing problem observed in determination of IMFs.

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The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method and its variants have been extensively employed in the load and renewable forecasting literature. Using this multiresolution decomposition, time series (TS) related to the historical load and renewable generation are decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), which are less non-stationary and non-linear. As such, the prediction of the components can theoretically be carried out with notably higher precision. The EMD method is prone to several issues, including modal aliasing and boundary effect problems, but the TS decomposition-based load and renewable generation forecasting literature primarily focuses on comparing the performance of different decomposition approaches from the forecast accuracy standpoint; as a result, these problems have rarely been scrutinized. Underestimating these issues can lead to poor performance of the forecast model in real-time applications. This paper examines these issues and their importance in the model development stage. Using real-world data, EMD-based models are presented, and the impact of the boundary effect is illustrated.
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) has developed into a prominent tool for adaptive, scale-based signal analysis in various fields like robotics, security and biomedical engineering. Since the dramatic increase in amount of data puts forward higher requirements for the capability of real-time signal analysis, it is difficult for existing EMD and its variants to trade off the growth of data dimension and the speed of signal analysis. In order to decompose multi-dimensional signals at a faster speed, we present a novel signal-serialization method (serial-EMD), which concatenates multi-variate or multi-dimensional signals into a one-dimensional signal and uses various one-dimensional EMD algorithms to decompose it. To verify the effects of the proposed method, synthetic multi-variate time series, artificial 2D images with various textures and real-world facial images are tested. Compared with existing multi-EMD algorithms, the decomposition time becomes significantly reduced. In addition, the results of facial recognition with Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) extracted using our method can achieve a higher accuracy than those obtained by existing multi-EMD algorithms, which demonstrates the superior performance of our method in terms of the quality of IMFs. Furthermore, this method can provide a new perspective to optimize the existing EMD algorithms, that is, transforming the structure of the input signal rather than being constrained by developing envelope computation techniques or signal decomposition methods. In summary, the study suggests that the serial-EMD technique is a highly competitive and fast alternative for multi-dimensional signal analysis.
Hilbert-Huang transform is a method that has been introduced recently to decompose nonlinear, nonstationary time series into a sum of different modes, each one having a characteristic frequency. Here we show the first successful application of this approach to homogeneous turbulence time series. We associate each mode to dissipation, inertial range and integral scales. We then generalize this approach in order to characterize the scaling intermittency of turbulence in the inertial range, in an amplitude-frequency space. The new method is first validated using fractional Brownian motion simulations. We then obtain a 2D amplitude-frequency representation of the pdf of turbulent fluctuations with a scaling trend, and we show how multifractal exponents can be retrieved using this approach. We also find that the log-Poisson distribution fits the velocity amplitude pdf better than the lognormal distribution.
Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a powerful tool for extracting spatial and temporal patterns from multi-dimensional time series, and it has been used successfully in a wide range of fields, including fluid mechanics, robotics, and neuroscience. Two of the main challenges remaining in DMD research are noise sensitivity and issues related to Krylov space closure when modeling nonlinear systems. Here, we investigate the combination of noise and nonlinearity in a controlled setting, by studying a class of systems with linear latent dynamics which are observed via multinomial observables. Our numerical models include system and measurement noise. We explore the influences of dataset metrics, the spectrum of the latent dynamics, the normality of the system matrix, and the geometry of the dynamics. Our results show that even for these very mildly nonlinear conditions, DMD methods often fail to recover the spectrum and can have poor predictive ability. Our work is motivated by our experience modeling multilegged robot data, where we have encountered great difficulty in reconstructing time series for oscillatory systems with slow transients, which decay only slightly faster than a period.
High-dimensional statistical inference with general estimating equations are challenging and remain less explored. In this paper, we study two problems in the area: confidence set estimation for multiple components of the model parameters, and model specifications test. For the first one, we propose to construct a new set of estimating equations such that the impact from estimating the high-dimensional nuisance parameters becomes asymptotically negligible. The new construction enables us to estimate a valid confidence region by empirical likelihood ratio. For the second one, we propose a test statistic as the maximum of the marginal empirical likelihood ratios to quantify data evidence against the model specification. Our theory establishes the validity of the proposed empirical likelihood approaches, accommodating over-identification and exponentially growing data dimensionality. The numerical studies demonstrate promising performance and potential practical benefits of the new methods.
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