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Three Loop Neutrino Model with Isolated $k^{pmpm}$

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 Added by Kenji Nishiwaki
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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We propose a three loop radiative neutrino mass scenario with an isolated doubly charged singlet scalar $k^{pmpm}$ without couplings to the charged leptons, while two other singly charged scalars $h_1^pm$ and $h_2^pm$ attach to them. In this setup, the lepton flavor violation originating from $k^{pmpm}$ exchanges is suppressed and the model is less constrained, where some couplings can take sizable values. As reported in our previous work, the loop suppression factor at the three loop level would be too strong and realized neutrino masses in a three loop scenario could be smaller than the observed minuscule values. The sizable couplings can help us to enhance neutrino masses without drastically large scalar trilinear couplings appearing in a neutrino mass matrix, which tends to drive the vacuum stability to become jeopardized at the one loop level. Now the doubly charged scalar $k^{pmpm}$ has less constraint via lepton flavor violation and the vacuum can be quite stable, and thus a few hundred GeV mass in $k^{pmpm}$ is possible, which is within the LHC reach and this model can be tested in the near future. Note that the other $h_1^pm$ and $h_2^pm$ should be heavy at least around a few TeV. We suitably arrange the charges of an additional global $U(1)$ symmetry, where the decay constant of the associated Nambu-Goldstone boson can be around a TeV scale consistently. Also, this model is indirectly limited through a global analysis on results of the LHC Higgs search and issues on a dark matter candidate, the lightest Majorana neutrino. After $h_1^pm$ and $h_2^pm$ are decoupled, this particle couples to the standard model particles only through two charge parity even scalars in theory and thus information on this scalar sector is important. Consistent solutions are found, but a part of them is now on the edge.

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In the context of a left-right extension of the standard model of quarks and leptons with the addition of a gauged $U(1)_D$ dark symmetry, it is shown how the electron may obtain a radiative mass in one loop and two Dirac neutrinos obtain masses in three loops.
In this paper we compute the one-loop chiral logarithmic corrections to all O(p^4) counterterms in the three site Higgsless model. The calculation is performed using the background field method for both the chiral- and gauge-fields, and using Landau gauge for the quantum fluctuations of the gauge fields. The results agree with our previous calculations of the chiral-logarithmic corrections to the S and T parameters in t Hooft-Feynman gauge. The work reported here includes a complete evaluation of all one-loop divergences in an SU(2) x U(1) nonlinear sigma model, corresponding to an electroweak effective Lagrangian in the absence of custodial symmetry.
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