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Anisotropy of iron-platinum-arsenide Ca10(PtnAs8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5 single crystals

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 Added by Feifei Yuan
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The upper critical field Hc2 anisotropy of Ca10(PtnAs8)(Fe2-xPtxAs2)5 (n = 3, 4) single crystals with long FeAs interlayer distance (d) was studied by angular dependent resistivity measurements. A scaling of the angular dependent resistivity was realized for both single crystals using the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau (AGL) approach with an appropriate anisotropy parameter {gamma}. The AGL scaling parameter {gamma} increases with decreasing temperature and reaches a value of about 10 at 0.8Tc for both single crystals. These values are much larger than those of other iron-based superconductors (FeSCs). Remarkably, the values of {gamma}2 show an almost linear increase with the FeAs/FeSe interlayer distance d for FeSCs. Compared to cuprates, FeSCs are less anisotropic, indicating that two dimensionality of the superconductivity is intrinsically weak.

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Ever since the discovery of high-Tc superconductivity in layered cuprates, the roles that individual layers play have been debated, due to difficulty in layer-by-layer characterization. While there is similar challenge in many Fe-based layered superconductors, the newly-discovered Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 provides opportunities to explore superconductivity layer by layer, because it contains both superconducting building blocks (Fe2As2 layers) and intermediate Pt4As8 layers. Cleaving a single crystal under ultra-high vacuum results in multiple terminations: an ordered Pt4As8 layer, two reconstructed Ca layers on the top of a Pt4As8 layer, and disordered Ca layer on the top of Fe2As2 layer. The electronic properties of individual layers are studied using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S), which reveals different spectra for each surface. Remarkably superconducting coherence peaks are seen only on the ordered Ca/Pt4As8 layer. Our results indicate that an ordered structure with proper charge balance is required in order to preserve superconductivity.
We report a structural transition found in Ca10(Ir4As8)(Fe2-xIrxAs2)5, which exhibits superconductivity at 16 K, with a layer of divalent iridium coordinated by arsenic in between Fe2As2 layers. The c-axis parameter is doubled below a structural transition temperature of approximately 100 K, while the tetragonal symmetry with space group P4/n (No.85) is unchanged at all temperatures measured. Our synchrotron x-ray diffraction study clearly shows displacements along the z-direction occur in half of the iridium sites, resulting in a complex orbital ordering pattern. Combining our theoretical calculation of the 5d orbital energies with structural data, we propose the iridium orbital crossover transition between the dxy and dz2 orbitals.
Single crystals of SrFe2-xPtxAs2 (0 < x < 0.36) were grown using the self flux solution method and characterized using x-ray crystallography, electrical transport, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements. The magnetic/structural transition is suppressed with increasing Pt concentration, with superconductivity seen over the range 0.08 < x < 0.36 with a maximum transition temperature Tc of 16 K at x = 0.16. The shape of the phase diagram and the changes to the lattice parameters are similar to the effects of other group VIII elements Ni and Pd, however the higher transition temperature and extended range of superconductivity suggest some complexity beyond the simple electron counting picture that has been discussed thus far.
We report a structural transition found in Ca10(Ir4As8)(Fe2-xIrxAs2)5, which exhibits superconductivity at 16 K. The c-axis parameter is doubled below a structural transition temperature of approximately 100 K, while the tetragonal symmetry with space group P4/n (No.85) is unchanged at all temperatures measured. Our synchrotron x-ray diffraction study clearly shows iridium ions at a non-coplanar position shift along the z-direction at the structural phase transition. We discuss that the iridium displacements affect superconductivity in Fe2As2 layers.
159 - Ying Jia , Peng Cheng , Lei Fang 2008
The newly discovered iron-based superconductors have stimulated enormous interests in the field of superconductivity. Since the new superconductor is a layered system, the anisotropy is a parameter with the first priority to know. Meanwhile any relevant message about the critical fields (upper critical field and irreversibility line) are essentially important. By using flux method, we have successfully grown the single crystals NdO0.82F0.18FeAs at ambient pressure. Resistive measurements reveal a surprising discovery that the anisotropy Gamma = (mc/mab)^{1/2} is below 5, which is much smaller than the theoretically calculated results. The data measured up to 400 K show a continuing curved feature which prevents a conjectured linear behavior for an unconventional metal. The upper critical fields determined based on the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg formula are H_{c2}^{H||ab}(T=0 K) = 304 T and H_{c2}^{H||c}(T=0 K)=62-70 T, indicating a very encouraging application of the new superconductors.
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