I will summarise the new theory developments that emerged during the 2015 QCD Moriond conference. I will give my perspective on some of the topics and emphasise what I consider most relevant.
In this summary of the considerations of the QCD working group at Snowmass 2001, the roles of quantum chromodynamics in the Standard Model and in the search for new physics are reviewed, with empahsis on frontier areas in the field. We discuss the importance of, and prospects for, precision QCD in perturbative and lattice calculations. We describe new ideas in the analysis of parton distribution functions and jet structure, and review progress in small-$x$ and in polarization.
A summary, from an experimental perspective, of the $52^{rm nd}$ Rencontres de Moriond session on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories is presented.
This invited summary gives some concluding remarks regarding theoretical aspects of the research presented at Charm2010. I will specialize to the role of theory and the relative reach of theory and experiment in three of the major areas of charm physics address at this conference, specifically 1) charm production, 2) charm weak decays, and 3) charm hadron spectroscopy. After a discussion of the status of progress on representative topics in each of these areas I will conclude with a previously unrelated Feynman story from a conference in the early days of charm.
This is a summary of theoretical plenary contributions to the biennial hadron physics conference Meson2006, which was the ninth in this series. The topics covered in the meeting include low energy pion-pion and pion-nucleon interactions, photoproduction and hadronic production of light mesons and baryons,in-medium effects, recent developments in charmed mesons, charmonia and B mesons, the status of exotica, and some related topics such as final state interactions. In this contribution we review and summarize the plenary talks presented by theorists at the meeting, and emphasize some of the main points of their presentations. Where appropriate we will add brief comments on some aspects of QCD spectroscopy. Finally, following tradition, we conclude with a new Feynman story.
We present an effective action for the electroweak sector of the Standard Model valid for the calculation of scattering amplitudes in the high energy (Regge) limit. Gauge invariant Wilson lines are introduced to describe reggeized degrees of freedom whose interactions are generated by effective emission vertices. From this approach previous results at leading logarithmic accuracy for electroweak boson Regge trajectories are reproduced together with the corresponding interaction kernels. The proposed framework lays the path for calculations at higher orders in perturbation theory.