Conformal a-anomaly of some non-unitary 6d superconformal theories

Abstract in English

We compute the conformal anomaly a-coefficient for some non-unitary (higher derivative or non-gauge-invariant) 6d conformal fields and their supermultiplets. We use the method based on a connection between 6d determinants on S^6 and 7d determinants on AdS_7. We find, in particular, that (1,0) supermultiplet containing 4-derivative gauge-invariant conformal vector has precisely the value of a-anomaly as attributed in arXiv:1506.03807 (on the basis of R-symmetry and gravitational t Hooft matching) to the standard (1,0) vector multiplet. We also show that higher derivative (2,0) 6d conformal supergravity coupled to exactly 26 (2,0) tensor multiplets has vanishing a-anomaly. This is the 6d counterpart of the known fact of cancellation of the conformal anomaly in the 4d system of N=4 conformal supergravity coupled to 4 vector N=4 multiplets. In the case when 5 of tensor multiplets are chosen to be ghost-like and the conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken by a quadratic scalar constraint the resulting IR theory may be identified with (2,0) Poincare supergravity coupled to 21=26-5 tensor multiplets. The latter theory is known to be special: it is gravitational anomaly free and results upon compactification of 10d type IIB supergravity on K3.
