New Minimal SO(10) GUT : A Theory for All Epochs

Abstract in English

The Supersymmetric SO(10) theory (NMSO(10)GUT) based on thehfilbreak ${bf{210+126 +oot}}$ Higgs system proposed in 1982 has evolved into a realistic theory capable of fitting the known low energy Particle Physics data besides providing a Dark matter candidate and embedding Inflationary Cosmology. It dynamically resolves longstanding issues such as fast dimension five operator mediated proton decay in Susy GUTs by allowing explicit and complete calculation of crucial threshold effects at $M_{Susy}$ and $M_{GUT}$ in terms of fundamental parameters. This shows that SO(10) Yukawas responsible for observed fermion masses as well as operator dimension 5 mediated proton decay can be highly suppressed on a Higgs dissolution edge in the parameter space of GUTs with rich superheavy spectra. This novel and generically relevant result highlights the need for every realistic UV completion model with a large/infinite number of heavy fields coupled to the light Higgs doublets to explicitly account for the large wave function renormalization effects on emergent light Higgs fields in order to be considered a quantitatively well defined candidate UV completion. The NMSGUT predicts large soft Susy breaking trilinear couplings and distinctive sparticle spectra. Measurable or near measurable level of tensor perturbations- and thus large Inflaton mass scale- may be accommodated by Supersymetric Seesaw inflation within the NMSGUT based on an LHN flat direction Inflaton if the Higgs component contains contributions from heavy Higgs components. Successful NMSGUT fits suggest a emph{renormalizable} Yukawon Ultra minimal gauged theory of flavor based upon the NMSGUT Higgs structure.
