Thermoelectric Transport Coefficients in Mono-layer MoS2 and WSe2 Role of Substrate, Interface Phonons, Plasmon, and Dynamic Screening

Abstract in English

The thermoelectric transport coefficients of electrons in two recently emerged transition metal dichalcogenides(TMD), MoS2 and WSe2, are calculated by solving Boltzmann Transport equation and coupled electrical and thermal current equations using Rode iterative technique. Scattering from localized donor impurities, acoustic deformation potential, longitudinal optical (LO) phonons, and substrate induced remote phonon modes are taken into account. Hybridization of TMD plasmon with remote phonon modes is investigated. Dynamic screening under linear polarization response is explored in TMDs sitting on a dielectric environment and the screened electron-phonon coupling matrix elements are calculated. The effect of screening and substrate induced remote phonon mediated scattering on the transport coefficients of the mentioned materials is explained. The transport coefficients are obtained for a varying range of temperature and doping density for three different types of substrates SiO2, Al2O3, and HfO2. The thermoelectric properties of interest including Seebeck coefficient, Peltier coefficient, and electronic thermal conductivity are calculated.
