Properties of Low Luminosity Afterglow Gamma-ray Bursts

Abstract in English

Aims: We characterize a sample of Gamma-Ray Bursts with low luminosity X-ray afterglows (LLA GRBs), and study their properties. Method: We select a sample consisting of the 12% faintest X-ray afterglows from the total population of long GRBs (lGRBs) with known redshift. We study their intrinsic properties (spectral index, decay index, distance, luminosity, isotropic radiated energy and peak energy) to assess whether they belong to the same population than the brighter afterglow events. Results: We present strong evidences that these events belong to a population of nearby events, different from that of the general population of lGRBs. These events are faint during their prompt phase, and include the few possible outliers of the Amati relation. Out of 14 GRB-SN associations, 9 are in LLA GRB sample, prompting for caution when using SN templates in observational and theoretical models for the general lGRBs population.
