Nanoscopy Reveals Metallic Black Phosphorus

Abstract in English

Layered and two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene, boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDCs), and black phosphorus (BP) have intriguing fundamental physical properties and bear promise of numerous important applications in electronics and optics. Of them, BP is a novel 2D material that has been theoretically predicted to acquire plasmonic behavior for frequencies below ~0.4 eV when highly doped. The electronic properties of BP are unique due to an anisotropic structure, which could strongly influence collective electronic excitations. Advantages of BP as a material for nanoelectronics and nanooptics are due to the fact that, in contrast to metals, the free carrier density in it can be dynamically controlled by electrostatic gating, which has been demonstrated by its use in field-effect transistors. Despite all the interest that BP attracts, near-field and plasmonic properties of BP have not yet been investigated experimentally. Here we report the first observation of nanoscopic near-field properties of BP. We have discovered near field patterns of outside bright fringes and high surface polarizability of nanofilm BP consistent with its surface-metallic, plasmonic behavior at mid-infrared (mid-IR) frequencies. This behavior is highly frequency-dispersive, disappearing above frequency, {omega} =1070 cm-1, which allowed us to estimate the plasma frequency and carrier density. We have also observed similar behavior in other 2D semiconductors such as TMDCs but not in 2D insulators such as boron nitride. This new phenomenon is attributed to surface charging of the semiconductor nanofilms. This discovery opens up a new field of research and potential applications in nanoplasmonics and optoelectronics.
