A test of Geant4 simulation of electron backscattering recently published in this journal prompted further investigation into the causes of the observed behaviour. An interplay between features of geometry and physics algorithms implemented in Geant4 is found to significantly affect the accuracy of backscattering simulation in some physics configurations.
Backscattering is a sensitive probe of the accuracy of electron scattering algorithms implemented in Monte Carlo codes. The capability of the Geant4 toolkit to describe realistically the fraction of electrons backscattered from a target volume is extensively and quantitatively evaluated in comparison with experimental data retrieved from the literature. The validation test covers the energy range between approximately 100 eV and 20 MeV, and concerns a wide set of target elements. Multiple and single electron scattering models implemented in Geant4, as well as preassembled selections of physics models distributed within Geant4, are analyzed with statistical methods. The evaluations concern Gean
Evolutions of Geant4 code have affected the simulation of electron backscattering with respect to previously published results. Their effects are quantified by analyzing the compatibility of the simulated electron backscattering fraction with a large collection of experimental data for a wide set of physics configuration options available in Geant4. Special emphasis is placed on two electron scattering implementations first released in Geant4 version 10.2: the Goudsmit-Saunderson multiple scattering model and a single Coulomb scattering model based on Mott cross section calculation. The new Goudsmit-Saunderson multiple scattering model appears to perform equally or less accurately than the model implemented in previous Gean
Radioactive decays are of concern in a wide variety of applications using Monte-Carlo simulations. In order to properly estimate the quality of such simulations, knowledge of the accuracy of the decay simulation is required. We present a validation of the original Geant4 Radioactive Decay Module, which uses a per-decay sampling approach, and of an extended package for Geant4-based simulation of radioactive decays, which, in addition to being able to use a refactored per-decay sampling, is capable of using a statistical sampling approach. The validation is based on measurements of calibration isotope sources using a high purity Germanium (HPGe) detector; no calibration of the simulation is performed. For the considered validation experiment equivalent simulation accuracy can be achieved with per-decay and statistical sampling.
The probability and intensity of nuclear reactions involving neutrons are characterized by the corresponding reaction cross-sections which are known to depend strongly on the incident neutron energy. In real applications the neutrons are seldom or never monoenergetic, and are usually characterized by certain continuous energy spectrum. The detailed knowledge of the neutron spectrum is crucial for numerous applications such as the nuclear reactor operation, the traveling wave reactor (TWR) development, including the search of the neutron energy ranges suitable for the wave nuclear burning, the search and prediction of the so-called blowup modes in neutron-multiplying media, the verification of neutron moderation theories and so on. In this paper we describe a method of GEANT4-based Monte Carlo calculation of the neutron spectrum evolution as well as the steady-state neutron spectrum in a system containing a persistent neutron source.
The first results of a project in progress for the validation of the simulation of electron-positron pair production are presented. They concern the pair production cross section in a low energy range close to the production threshold. The results hint to effects due to the granularity of tabulated cross sections.