A dangerous irrelevant UV-completion of the composite Higgs

Abstract in English

One of the most challenging hurdles to the construction of realistic composite Higgs models is the generation of Yukawa couplings for the Standard Model fermions. This problem can be successfully addressed in approximate conformal theories that admit a marginally relevant mixing between composite fermionic operators and the SM fermions. I argue that SU(3) gauge theories with light Dirac flavors in the fundamental representation feature all the ingredients under theoretical control, including a strongly-coupled IR fixed point, composite partners for all Standard Model fermions, absence of Landau poles at low energy, and a realistic phenomenology. These models acquire the status of compelling UV-completions of the SM if some spin-1/2 baryon operator has scaling dimension close to 2.5 within the conformal window, a possibility that can only be assessed via non-perturbative methods like lattice QCD. A distinctive collider signature is long-lived hadrons with fractional charges. Vacuum alignment is controlled by the Nambu-Goldstone bosons of the coset SU(4)xSU(4)/SU(4). With a technically natural choice of mixing for the top-quark, the exotic scalars with electro-weak charges acquire large positive masses and a compelling custodial-symmetric phenomenology is obtained. In the decoupling limit the symmetry breaking pattern effectively reduces to SU(4)->Sp(4) with a light Higgs.
