The search for 0nbb decay with the GERDA experiment: status and prospects

Abstract in English

The GERDA experiment is designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge using HPGe detectors directly immersed into liquid argon. In its first phase the GERDA experiment has yielded a half life limit on this decay of T_1/2 > 2.1*10^25 yr. A background model has been developed. It explains the measured spectrum well, taking into account only components with distances to the detectors less then 2 cm. Competitive limits on Majoron accompanied double beta decay have been derived. Phase II of the experiment, now with additional liquid argon veto installed, is presently starting its commissioning phase. First commissioning spectra from calibration measurements are shown, proving that the liquid argon veto leads to a significant reduction of background events.
