Symmetry-Protected Local Minima in Infinite DMRG

Abstract in English

The infinite Density Matrix Renormalisation Group (iDMRG) algorithm is a highly successful numerical algorithm for the study of low-dimensional quantum systems, and is also frequently used to initialise the more popular finite DMRG algorithm. Implementations of both finite and infinite DMRG frequently incorporate support for the protection and exploitation of symmetries of the Hamiltonian. In common with other variational tensor network algorithms, convergence of iDMRG to the ground state is not guaranteed, with the risk that the algorithm may become stuck in a local minimum. In this paper I demonstrate the existence of a particularly harmful class of physically irrelevant local minima affecting both iDMRG and to a lesser extent also infinite Time-Evolving Block Decimation (iTEBD), for which the ground state is compatible with the protected symmetries of the Hamiltonian but cannot be reached using the conventional iDMRG or iTEBD algorithms. I describe a modified iDMRG algorithm which evades these local minima, and which also admits a natural interpretation on topologically ordered systems with a boundary.
