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t2g-orbital model on a honeycomb lattice: application to antiferromagnet SrRu2O6

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 Added by Da Wang
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Motivated by the recent discovery of high temperature antiferromagnet SrRu$_2$O$_6$ and its potential to be the parent of a new superconductor, we construct a minimal $t_{2g}$-orbital model on a honeycomb lattice to simulate its low energy band structure. Local Coulomb interaction is taken into account through both random phase approximation and mean field theory. Experimentally observed Antiferromagnetic order is obtained in both approximations. In addition, our theory predicts that the magnetic moments on three $t_{2g}$-orbitals are non-collinear as a result of the strong spin-orbit coupling of Ru atoms.

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In addition to low-energy spin fluctuations, which distinguish them from band insulators, Mott insulators often possess orbital degrees of freedom when crystal-field levels are partially filled. While in most situations spins and orbitals develop long-range order, the possibility for the ground state to be a quantum liquid opens new perspectives. In this paper, we provide clear evidence that the SU(4) symmetric Kugel-Khomskii model on the honeycomb lattice is a quantum spin-orbital liquid. The absence of any form of symmetry breaking - lattice or SU(N) - is supported by a combination of semiclassical and numerical approaches: flavor-wave theory, tensor network algorithm, and exact diagonalizations. In addition, all properties revealed by these methods are very accurately accounted for by a projected variational wave-function based on the pi-flux state of fermions on the honeycomb lattice at 1/4-filling. In that state, correlations are algebraic because of the presence of a Dirac point at the Fermi level, suggesting that the symmetric Kugel-Khomskii model on the honeycomb lattice is an algebraic quantum spin-orbital liquid. This model provides a good starting point to understand the recently discovered spin-orbital liquid behavior of Ba_3CuSb_2O_9. The present results also suggest to choose optical lattices with honeycomb geometry in the search for quantum liquids in ultra-cold four-color fermionic atoms.
We report on the electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and heat-capacity measurements on a new intermetallic compound CePd5Al2, crystallizing in the ZrNi2Al5-type tetragonal structure, with lattice parameters a = 4.156 A and c = 14.883 A. The compound presents Kondo lattice behavior and an easy-plane antiferromagnetic ground state with two magnetic transitions at 2.9 K and 3.9 K. The Sommerfeld coefficient is estimated as 60 mJ/mol K^2.
We report the crystal structure and magnetic behavior of the $4d^3$ spin-$frac32$ silicophosphate MoP$_3$SiO$_{11}$ studied by high-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, thermodynamic measurements, and ab initio band-structure calculations. Our data revise the crystallographic symmetry of this compound and establish its rhombohedral space group ($Rbar 3c$) along with the geometrically perfect honeycomb lattice of the Mo$^{3+}$ ions residing in disconnected MoO$_6$ octahedra. Long-range antiferromagnetic order with the propagation vector $mathbf k=0$ observed below $T_N=6.8$ K is a combined effect of the nearest-neighbor in-plane exchange coupling $Jsimeq 2.6$ K, easy-plane single-ion anisotropy $Dsimeq 2.2 $ K, and a weak interlayer coupling $J_csimeq 0.8$ K. The 12% reduction in the ordered magnetic moment of the Mo$^{3+}$ ions and the magnon gap of $Deltasimeq 7$ K induced by the single-ion anisotropy further illustrate the impact of spin-orbit coupling on the magnetism. Our analysis puts forward single-ion anisotropy as an important ingredient of $4d^3$ honeycomb antiferromagnets despite their nominally quenched orbital moment.
We investigate the magnetism of a previously unexplored distorted spin-1/2 kagome model consisting of three symmetry-inequivalent nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg couplings and uncover a rich ground state phase diagram even at the classical level. Using analytical arguments and numerical techniques we identify a collinear $vec{Q} = 0$ magnetic phase, two unusual non-collinear coplanar $vec{Q} = (1/3,1/3)$ phases and a classical spin liquid phase with a degenerate manifold of non-coplanar ground states, resembling the jammed spin liquid phase found in the context of a bond-disordered kagome antiferromagnet. We further show with density functional theory calculations that the recently synthesized Y-kapellasite $text{Y}_{text{3}}text{Cu}_{text{9}}text{(OH)}_{text{19}}text{Cl}_{text{8}}$ is a realization of this model and predict its ground state to lie in the region of $vec{Q} = (1/3,1/3)$ order, which remains stable even after inclusion of quantum fluctuation effects within variational Monte Carlo and pseudofermion functional renormalization group. Interestingly, the excitation spectrum of Y-kapellasite lies between that of an underlying triangular lattice of hexagons and a kagome lattice of trimers. The presented model opens a new direction in the study of kagome antiferromagnets.
Magnetoelectric effects in honeycomb antiferromagnet Co4Nb2O9 are investigated on the basis of symmetry analyses of Co ions in trigonal P-3c1 space group. For each Co ion, the possible spin dependence is classified by C3 point-group symmetry. This accounts for the observed main effect that an electric polarization rotates in the opposite direction at the twice speed relative to the rotation of the external magnetic field applied in the ab-plane. Inversion centers and twofold axes in the unit cell restrict the active spin-dependence of the electric polarization, which well explains the observed experimental results. Expected optical properties of quadrupolar excitation and various types of dichroism are also discussed.
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