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Collisional relaxation of electrons in a warm plasma and accelerated nonthermal electron spectra in solar flares

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 Added by Eduard P. Kontar
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Extending previous studies of nonthermal electron transport in solar flares which include the effects of collisional energy diffusion and thermalization of fast electrons, we present an analytic method to infer more accurate estimates of the accelerated electron spectrum in solar flares from observations of the hard X-ray spectrum. Unlike for the standard cold-target model, the spatial characteristics of the flaring region, especially the necessity to consider a finite volume of hot plasma in the source, need to be taken into account in order to correctly obtain the injected electron spectrum from the source-integrated electron flux spectrum (a quantity straightforwardly obtained from hard X-ray observations). We show that the effect of electron thermalization can be significant enough to nullify the need to introduce an {it ad hoc} low-energy cutoff to the injected electron spectrum in order to keep the injected power in non-thermal electrons at a reasonable value. Rather the suppression of the inferred low-energy end of the injected spectrum compared to that deduced from a cold-target analysis allows the inference from hard X-ray observations of a more realistic energy in injected non-thermal electrons in solar flares.

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Understanding nonthermal particle generation, transport, and escape in solar flares requires detailed quantification of the particle evolution in the realistic 3D domain where the flare takes place. Rather surprisingly, apart of standard flare scenario and integral characteristics of the nonthermal electrons, not much is known about actual evolution of nonthermal electrons in the 3D spatial domain. This paper attempts to begin to remedy this situation by creating sets of evolving 3D models, the synthesized emission from which matches the evolving observed emission. Here we investigate two contrasting flares: a dense, coronal-thick-target flare SOL2002-04-12T17:42, that contained a single flare loop observed in both microwave and X-ray, and a more complex flare, SOL2015-06-22T17:50, that contained at least four distinct flaring loops needed to consistently reproduce the microwave and X-ray emission. Our analysis reveals differing evolution pattern of the nonthermal electrons in the dense and tenuous loops; however, both of which imply the central role of resonant wave-particle interaction with turbulence. These results offer new constraints for theory and models of the particle acceleration and transport in solar flares.
97 - Galina G. Motorina 2017
The aim of the thesis is the study of properties of solar flares via reconstruction of energy distributions of accelerated/heated electrons, diagnostics of flare plasma based on EUV and X-ray observations, as well as the estimation of the thermal balance within the standard flare model. The X-ray data were obtained from the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the Russian solar observatory KORONAS-F (IRIS experiment). The EUV data were obtained from the Solar Dynamics Observatory / Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). In the first chapter a new technique is presented, which allowed to determine at first the photon spectra based on the KORONAS-F/IRIS observations and then to reconstruct the energy spectra of the emitting electrons using the random search method and the Tikhonov regularization method. In the second chapter the developed technique of simultaneously fitting the model differential emission measure functions (DEM) to RHESSI and SDO/AIA data is introduced, which allowed to infer the electron distribution from X-ray and EUV observations. The proposed method allows to reconstruct of both the spectra of accelerated/heated electrons and the basic parameters of the flare plasma, such as temperature, emission measure, total electron number density, and flare energy. In addition, the analytical function suitable for both DEM analysis and mean electron flux spectra in flares has been developed and applied, as well as kappa-distribution in the form of differential emission measure. The thermal balance and hard X-ray emission of coronal loops from different flare regions within the standard flare model is considered in the third chapter. This thesis is based on the next papers: Motorina et al., TePh, 2012, Motorina & Kontar, Ge&Ae, 2015, Battaglia et al., ApJ, 2015, Motorina et al., TePh, 2016, Tsap et al., Ge&Ae, 2016.
126 - Lei Lu , Dong Li , Zongjun Ning 2021
We report quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) with double periods during three solar flares (viz. SOL2011-Feb-15T01:44, SOL2011-Sep-25T04:31, SOL2012-May-17T01:25). The flare QPPs were observed from light curves in Ly$alpha$, hard X-ray (HXR) and microwave emissions, with the Ly$alpha$ emission recorded by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite, the HXR emission recorded by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager and the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, and the microwave emission recorded by the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters and Radioheliograph. By using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, QPPs with double periods of about two minutes and one minute were first found in the Ly$alpha$ emission. Then using the same method, a QPP with nearly the same period of about two minutes was also found in HXR and microwave emissions. Considering the possible common origin (nonthermal electrons) between Ly$alpha$ and HXR/microwave emission, we suggest that the two-minute QPP results from the periodic acceleration of nonthermal electrons during magnetic reconnections. The ratio between the double periods in the Ly$alpha$ emission was found to be close to two, which is consistent with the theoretical expectation between the fundamental and harmonic modes. However, we cannot rule out other possible driving mechanisms for the one-minute QPPs in HXR/microwave emissions due to their relatively large deviations.
Nonthermal loop-top sources in solar flares are the most prominent observational signature that suggests energy release and particle acceleration in the solar corona. Although several scenarios for particle acceleration have been proposed, the origin of the loop-top sources remains unclear. Here we present a model that combines a large-scale magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a two-ribbon flare with a particle acceleration and transport model for investigating electron acceleration by a fast-mode termination shock at the looptop. Our model provides spatially resolved electron distribution that evolves in response to the dynamic flare geometry. We find a concave-downward magnetic structure located below the flare termination shock, induced by the fast reconnection downflows. It acts as a magnetic trap to confine the electrons at the looptop for an extended period of time. The electrons are energized significantly as they cross the shock front, and eventually build up a power-law energy spectrum extending to hundreds of keV. We suggest that this particle acceleration and transport scenario driven by a flare termination shock is a viable interpretation for the observed nonthermal loop-top sources.
We report the detection of emission from a non-thermal electron distribution in a small solar microflare (GOES class A5.7) observed by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), with supporting observation by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The flaring plasma is well accounted for by a thick-target model of accelerated electrons collisionally thermalizing within the loop, akin to the coronal thick target behavior occasionally observed in larger flares. This is the first positive detection of non-thermal hard X-rays from the Sun using a direct imager (as opposed to indirectly imaging instruments). The accelerated electron distribution has a spectral index of 6.3 +/- 0.7, extends down to at least 6.5 keV, and deposits energy at a rate of ~2x1027 erg/s, heating the flare loop to at least 10 MK. The existence of dominant non-thermal emission in X-rays down to <5 keV means that RHESSI emission is almost entirely non-thermal, contrary to what is usually assumed in RHESSI spectroscopy. The ratio of non-thermal to thermal energies is similar to that of large flares, in contrast to what has been found in previous studies of small RHESSI flares. We suggest that a coronal thick target may be a common property of many small microflares based on the average electron energy and collisional mean free path. Future observations of this kind will enable understanding of how flare particle acceleration changes across energy scales, and will aid the push toward the observational regime of nanoflares, which are a possible source of significant coronal heating.
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