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Semirigid systems of three equivalence relations

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 Added by Maurice Pouzet
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is English

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A system $mathcal M$ of equivalence relations on a set $E$ is emph{semirigid} if only the identity and constant functions preserve all members of $mathcal M$. We construct semirigid systems of three equivalence relations. Our construction leads to the examples given by Zadori in 1983 and to many others and also extends to some infinite cardinalities. As a consequence, we show that on every set of at most continuum cardinality distinct from $2$ and $4$ there exists a semirigid system of three equivalence relations.

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We consider a large family of equivalence relations on permutations in Sn that generalise those discovered by Knuth in his study of the Robinson-Schensted correspondence. In our most general setting, two permutations are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a sequence of pattern-replacing moves of prescribed form; however, we limit our focus to patterns where two elements are transposed, subject to the constraint that a third element of a suitable type be in a suitable position. For various instances of the problem, we compute the number of equivalence classes, determine how many n-permutations are equivalent to the identity permutation, or characterise this equivalence class. Although our results feature familiar integer sequences (e.g., Catalan, Fibonacci, and Tribonacci numbers) and special classes of permutations (layered, connected, and 123-avoiding), some of the sequences that arise appear to be new.
Let G be a simple graph. A coloring of vertices of G is called (i) a 2-proper coloring if vertices at distance 2 receive distinct colors; (ii) an injective coloring if vertices possessing a common neighbor receive distinct colors; (iii) a square coloring if vertices at distance at most 2 receive distinct colors. In this paper, we study inequalities of Nordhaus-Guddam type for the 2-proper chromatic number, the injective chromatic number, and the square chromatic number.
We introduce notions of continuous orbit equivalence and strong (respective, weak) continuous orbit equivalence for automorphism systems of {e}tale equivalence relations, and characterize them in terms of the semi-direct product groupoids, as well as their reduced groupoid $C^*$-algebras with canonical Cartan subalgebras. In particular, we study topological rigidity of expansive automorphism actions on compact (connected) metrizable groups.
109 - Tomasz Rzepecki 2018
We study strong types and Galois groups in model theory from a topological and descriptive-set-theoretical point of view, leaning heavily on topological dynamical tools. More precisely, we give an abstract (not model theoretic) treatment of problems related to cardinality and Borel cardinality of strong types, quotients of definable groups and related objecets, generalising (and often improving) essentially all hitherto known results in this area. In particular, we show that under reasonable assumptions, strong type spaces are locally quotients of compact Polish groups. It follows that they are smooth if and only if they are type-definable, and that a quotient of a type-definable group by an analytic subgroup is either finite or of cardinality at least continuum.
We generalise the main theorems from the paper The Borel cardinality of Lascar strong types by I. Kaplan, B. Miller and P. Simon to a wider class of bounded invariant equivalence relations. We apply them to describe relationships between fundamental properties of bounded invariant equivalence relations (such as smoothness or type-definability) which also requires finding a series of counterexamples. Finally, we apply the generalisation mentioned above to prove a conjecture from a paper by the first author and J. Gismatullin, showing that the key technical assumption of the main theorem (concerning connected components in definable group extensions) from that paper is not only sufficient but also necessary to get the conclusion.
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