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Photometric Variability in the CSTAR Field: Results From the 2008 Data Set

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 Added by Songhu Wang
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) is the first telescope facility built at Dome A, Antarctica. During the 2008 observing season, the installation provided long-baseline and high-cadence photometric observations in the i-band for 18,145 targets within 20 deg2 CSTAR field around the South Celestial Pole for the purpose of monitoring the astronomical observing quality of Dome A and detecting various types of photometric variability. Using sensitive and robust detection methods, we discover 274 potential variables from this data set, 83 of which are new discoveries. We characterize most of them, providing the periods, amplitudes and classes of variability. The catalog of all these variables is presented along with the discussion of their statistical properties.

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The Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) is the first Chinese astronomical instrument placed in Antarctica. It is a group of four identical, fully automatic $14.5,rm{cm}$ telescopes, with an field of view (FOV) of $20,rm{deg^2}$ centered on the South Celestial Pole. Placed at Antarctic Dome A, CSTAR is designed to provide high-cadence photometry for site monitoring and variable sources detection. During the 2008 observing season, CSTAR has taken high-precision photometric data for 18,145 stars around the South Celestial Pole. At $i,=,7.5$ and $12$, the photometric precision reaches $sim 8$ mmag and $sim 30$ mmag with a cadence of 20s or 30s, respectively. Using robust detection method, we have found 15 stellar flares on 13 sources, including two classified variables. We have also found a linear relation between the decay times and the total durations of the stellar flares. The details of all detected flares along with their stellar properties are presented in this work.
The Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) is a group of four identical, fully automated, static 14.5 cm telescopes. CSTAR is located at Dome A, Antarctica and covers 20 square degree of sky around the South Celestial Pole. The installation is designed to provide high-cadence photometry for the purpose of monitoring the quality of the astronomical observing conditions at Dome A and detecting transiting exoplanets. CSTAR has been operational since 2008, and has taken a rich and high-precision photometric data set of 10,690 stars. In the first observing season, we obtained 291,911 qualified science frames with 20-second integrations in the i-band. Photometric precision reaches about 4 mmag at 20-second cadence at i=7.5, and is about 20 mmag at i=12. Using robust detection methods, ten promising exoplanet candidates were found. Four of these were found to be giants using spectroscopic follow-up. All of these transit candidates are presented here along with the discussion of their detailed properties as well as the follow-up observations.
We describe the creation, content, and validation of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) internal year-one cosmology data set, Y1A1 GOLD, in support of upcoming cosmological analyses. The Y1A1 GOLD data set is assembled from multiple epochs of DES imaging and consists of calibrated photometric zeropoints, object catalogs, and ancillary data products - e.g., maps of survey depth and observing conditions, star-galaxy classification, and photometric redshift estimates - that are necessary for accurate cosmological analyses. The Y1A1 GOLD wide-area object catalog consists of ~137 million objects detected in coadded images covering ~1800 deg$^2$ in the DES grizY filters. The 10{sigma} limiting magnitude for galaxies is g = 23.4, r = 23.2, i = 22.5, z = 21.8, and Y = 20.1. Photometric calibration of Y1A1 GOLD was performed by combining nightly zeropoint solutions with stellar-locus regression, and the absolute calibration accuracy is better than 2% over the survey area. DES Y1A1 GOLD is the largest photometric data set at the achieved depth to date, enabling precise measurements of cosmic acceleration at z $lesssim$ 1.
We describe the Dark Energy Survey (DES) photometric data set assembled from the first three years of science operations to support DES Year 3 cosmology analyses, and provide usage notes aimed at the broad astrophysics community. Y3 Gold improves on previous releases from DES, Y1 Gold and Data Release 1 (DES DR1), presenting an expanded and curated data set that incorporates algorithmic developments in image detrending and processing, photometric calibration, and object classification. Y3 Gold comprises nearly 5000 square degrees of grizY imaging in the south Galactic cap, including nearly 390 million objects, with depth reaching S/N ~ 10 for extended objects up to $i_{AB}sim 23.0$, and top-of-the-atmosphere photometric uniformity $< 3$ mmag. Compared to DR1, photometric residuals with respect to Gaia are reduced by $50%$, and per-object chromatic corrections are introduced. Y3 Gold augments DES DR1 with simultaneous fits to multi-epoch photometry for more robust galaxy color measurements and corresponding photometric redshift estimates. Y3 Gold features improved morphological star-galaxy classification with efficiency $>98%$ and purity $>99%$ for galaxies with $19 < i_{AB} < 22.5$. Additionally, it includes per-object quality information, and accompanying maps of the footprint coverage, masked regions, imaging depth, survey conditions, and astrophysical foregrounds that are used to select the cosmology analysis samples. This paper will be complemented by online resources.
The Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) carried out high-cadence time-series observations of 20.1 square degrees centered on the South Celestial Pole during the 2008, 2009 & 2010 winter seasons from Dome A in Antarctica. The nearly-continuous 6 months of dark conditions during each observing season allowed for >10^6 images to be collected through gri and clear filters, resulting in the detection of >10^4 sources over the course of 3 years of operation. The nearly space-like conditions in the Antarctic plateau are an ideal testbed for the suitability of very small-aperture (<20 cm) telescopes to detect transient events, variable stars and stellar flares. We present the results of a robust search for such objects using difference image analysis of the data obtained during the 2009 & 2010 winter seasons. While no transients were found, we detected 29 flaring events and find a normalized flaring rate of 5+-4x10^-7 flare/hour for late-K dwarfs, 1+-1x10^-6 flare/hour for M dwarfs and 7+-1x10^-7 flare/hour for all other stars in our sample. We suggest future small-aperture telescopes planned for deployment at Dome A would benefit from a tracking mechanism, to help alleviate effects from ghosting, and a finer pixel scale, to increase the telescopes sensitivity to faint objects. We find that the light curves of non-transient sources have excellent photometric qualities once corrected for systematics, and are limited only by photon noise and atmospheric scintillation.
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