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The formation of regular interarm magnetic fields in spiral galaxies

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 Added by David Moss Dr
 Publication date 2015
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Observations of regular magnetic fields in several nearby galaxies reveal magnetic arms situated between the material arms. The nature of these magnetic arms is a topic of active debate. Previously we found a hint that taking into account the effects of injections of small-scale magnetic fields generated, e.g., by turbulent dynamo action, into the large-scale galactic dynamo can result in magnetic arm formation. We now investigate the joint roles of an arm/interarm turbulent diffusivity contrast and injections of small-scale magnetic field on the formation of large-scale magnetic field (magnetic arms) in the interarm region. We use the relatively simple no-$z$ model for the galactic dynamo. This involves projection on to the galactic equatorial plane of the azimuthal and radial magnetic field components; the field component orthogonal to the galactic plane is estimated from the solenoidality condition. We find that addition of diffusivity gradients to the effect of magnetic field injections makes the magnetic arms much more pronounced. In particular, the regular magnetic field component becomes larger in the interarm space compared to that within the material arms.The joint action of the turbulent diffusivity contrast and small-scale magnetic field injections (with the possible participation of other effects previously suggested) appears to be a plausible explanation for the phenomenon of magnetic arms.

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Interarm star formation contributes significantly to a galaxys star formation budget, and provides an opportunity to study stellar birthplaces unperturbed by spiral arm dynamics. Using optical integral field spectroscopy of the nearby galaxy NGC 628 with VLT/MUSE, we construct Halpha maps including detailed corrections for dust extinction and stellar absorption to identify 391 HII regions at 35pc resolution over 12 kpc^2. Using tracers sensitive to the underlying gravitational potential, we associate HII regions with either arm (271) or interarm (120) environments. Using our full spectral coverage of each region, we find that most HII region physical properties (luminosity, size, metallicity, ionization parameter) are independent of environment. We calculate the fraction of Halpha luminosity due to the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) background contaminating each HII region, and find the DIG surface brightness to be higher within HII regions compared to the surroundings, and slightly higher within arm HII regions. Use of the temperature sensitive [SII]/Halpha line ratio map instead of the Halpha surface brightness to identify HII region boundaries does not change this result. Using the dust attenuation as a tracer of the gas, we find depletion times consistent with previous work (2 x 10^9 yr) with no differences between the arm and interarm, however this is very sensitive to the DIG correction. Unlike molecular clouds, which can be dynamically affected by the galactic environment, we see fairly consistent HII region properties in both arm and interarm environments. This suggests either a difference in arm star formation and feedback, or a decoupling of dense star forming clumps from the more extended surrounding molecular gas.
62 - Rainer Beck 2015
Radio synchrotron emission is a powerful tool to study the strength and structure of magnetic fields in galaxies. Unpolarized synchrotron emission traces isotropic turbulent fields which are strongest in spiral arms and bars (20-30 mu G) and in central starburst regions (50-100 mu G). Such fields are dynamically important; they affect gas flows and drive gas inflows in central regions. -- Polarized emission traces ordered fields, which can be regular or anisotropic turbulent, where the latter originates from isotropic turbulent fields by the action of compression or shear. The strongest ordered fields (10-15 mu G) are generally found in interarm regions. In galaxies with strong density waves, ordered fields are also observed at the inner edges of spiral arms. Ordered fields with spiral patterns exist in grand-design, barred and flocculent galaxies, and in central regions. Ordered fields in interacting galaxies have asymmetric distributions and are a tracer of past interactions between galaxies or with the intergalactic medium. In radio halos around edge-on galaxies, ordered magnetic fields with X-shaped patterns are observed. -- Faraday rotation measures of the diffuse polarized radio emission from galaxy disks reveal large-scale spiral patterns that can be described by the superposition of azimuthal modes; these are signatures of regular fields generated by mean-field dynamos. Magnetic arms between gaseous spiral arms may also be products of dynamo action, but need a stable spiral pattern to develop. Helically twisted field loops winding around spiral arms were found in two galaxies so far. Large-scale field reversals, like the one found in the Milky Way, could not yet be detected in external galaxies. -- The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetic fields will be studied with forthcoming radio telescopes like the Square Kilometre Array.
Spiral arms are the most singular features in disc galaxies. These structures can exhibit different patterns, namely grand design and flocculent arms, with easily distinguishable characteristics. However, their origin and the mechanisms shaping them are unclear. The overall role of spirals in the chemical evolution of disc galaxies is another unsolved question. In particular, it has not been fully explored if the hii,regions of spiral arms present different properties from those located in the interarm regions. Here we analyse the radial oxygen abundance gradient of the arm and interarm star forming regions of 63 face-on spiral galaxies using CALIFA Integral Field Spectroscopy data. We focus the analysis on three characteristic parameters of the profile: slope, zero-point, and scatter. The sample is morphologically separated into flocculent versus grand design spirals and barred versus unbarred galaxies. We find subtle but statistically significant differences between the arm and interarm distributions for flocculent galaxies, suggesting that the mechanisms generating the spiral structure in these galaxies may be different to those producing grand design systems, for which no significant differences are found. We also find small differences in barred galaxies, not observed in unbarred systems, hinting that bars may affect the chemical distribution of these galaxies but not strongly enough as to be reflected in the overall abundance distribution. In light of these results, we propose bars and flocculent structure as two distinct mechanisms inducing differences in the abundance distribution between arm and interarm star forming regions.
253 - Marita Krause 2009
The main observational results from radio continuum and polarization observations about the magnetic field strength and large-scale pattern for face-on and edge-on spiral galaxies are summarized and compared within our sample of galaxies of different morphological types, inclinations, and star formation rates (SFR). We found that galaxies with low SFR have higher thermal fractions/smaller synchrotron fractions than those with normal or high SFR. Adopting an equipartition model, we conclude that the nonthermal radio emission and the emph{total magnetic field} strength grow nonlinearly with SFR, while the regular magnetic field strength does not seem to depend on SFR. We also studied the magnetic field structure and disk thicknesses in highly inclined (edge-on) galaxies. We found in four galaxies that - despite their different radio appearance - the vertical scale heights for both, the thin and thick disk/halo, are about equal (0.3/1.8 kpc at 4.75 GHz), independently of their different SFR. This implies that all these galaxies host a galactic wind, in which the bulk velocity of the cosmic rays (CR) is determined by the total field strength within the galactic disk. The galaxies in our sample also show a similar large-scale magnetic field configuration, parallel to the midplane and X-shaped further away from the disk plane, independent of Hubble type and SFR in the disk. Hence we conclude that also the large-scale magnetic field pattern does not depend on the amount of SFR.
Context. The magnetic field in spiral galaxies is known to have a large-scale spiral structure along the galactic disk and is observed as X-shaped in the halo of some galaxies. While the disk field can be well explained by dynamo action, the 3-dimensional structure of the halo field and its physical nature is still unclear. Aims. As first steps towards understanding the halo fields, we want to clarify whether the observed X-shaped field is a wide-spread pattern in the halos of spiral galaxies and whether these halo fields are just turbulent fields ordered by compression or shear (anisotropic turbulent fields), or have a large-scale regular structure. Methods. The analysis of the Faraday rotation in the halo is the tool to discern anisotropic turbulent fields from large-scale magnetic fields. This, however, has been challenging until recently because of the faint halo emission in linear polarization. Our sensitive VLA broadband observations C-band and L-band of 35 spiral galaxies seen edge-on (called CHANG-ES) allowed us to perform RM-synthesis in their halos and to analyze the results. We further accomplished a stacking of the observed polarization maps of 28 CHANG-ES galaxies at C-band. Results. Though the stacked edge-on galaxies were of different Hubble types, star formation and interaction activities, the stacked image clearly reveals an X-shaped structure of the apparent magnetic field. We detected a large-scale (coherent) halo field in all 16 galaxies that have extended polarized intensity in their halos. We detected large-scale field reversals in all of their halos. In six galaxies they are along lines about vertical to the galactic midplane (vertical RMTL) with about 2 kpc separation. Only in NGC 3044 and possibly in NGC 3448 we observed vertical giant magnetic ropes (GMRs) similar to those detected recently in NGC 4631.
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