A possible evidence of the hadron-quark-gluon mixed phase formation in nuclear collisions

Abstract in English

The performed systematic meta-analysis of the quality of data description (QDD) of existing event generators of nucleus-nucleus collisions allows us to extract a very important physical information. Our meta-analysis is dealing with the results of 10 event generators which describe data measured in the range of center of mass collision energies from 3.1 GeV to 17.3 GeV. It considers the mean deviation squared per number of experimental points obtained by these event generators, i.e. the QDD, as the results of independent meta-measurements. These generators and their QDDs are divided in two groups. The first group includes the generators which account for the quark-gluon plasma formation during nuclear collisions (QGP models), while the second group includes the generators which do not assume the QGP formation in such collisions (hadron gas models). Comparing the QDD of more than a hundred of different data sets of strange hadrons by two groups of models, we found two regions of the equal quality description of data which are located at the center of mass collision energies 4.4-4.87 GeV and 10.8-12 GeV. At the collision energies below 4.4 GeV the hadron gas models describe data much better than the QGP one and, hence, we associate this region with hadron phase. At the collision energies between 5 GeV and 10.8 GeV and above 12 GeV we found that QGP models describe data essentially better than the hadron gas ones and, hence, these regions we associate with the quark-gluon phase. As a result, the collision energy regions 4.4-4.87 GeV and 10.8-12 GeV we interpret as the energies of the hadron-quark-gluon mixed phase formation. Based on these findings we argue that the most probable energy range of the QCD phase diagram (tri)critical endpoint is 12-14 GeV.
