Enhancement of the Anti-Damping Spin Torque Efficacy of Platinum by Interface Modification

Abstract in English

We report a strong enhancement of the efficacy of the spin Hall effect (SHE) of Pt for exerting anti-damping spin torque on an adjacent ferromagnetic layer by the insertion of $approx$ 0.5 nm layer of Hf between a Pt film and a thin, < 2 nm, Fe$_{60}$Co$_{20}$B$_{20}$ ferromagnetic layer. This enhancement is quantified by measurement of the switching current density when the ferromagnetic layer is the free electrode in a magnetic tunnel junction. The results are explained as the suppression of spin pumping through a substantial decrease in the effective spin-mixing conductance of the interface, but without a concomitant reduction of the ferromagnet s absorption of the SHE generated spin current.
