Comment on The dust sublimation radius as an outer envelope to the bulk of the narrow Fe K$alpha$ line emission in Type 1 AGN

Abstract in English

Recently, Gandhi, Honig, and Kishimoto submitted a manuscript to the arXiv e-print service on the location of the emitting region of the narrow FeK$alpha $ line that appears in the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) compared with the inner radius of the dust torus (arXiv:1502.02661). Prior to their manuscript, a similar discussion had already been presented in a section of Minezaki & Matsushita (2015), which had been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Because Gandhi et al. made no reference to Minezaki & Matsushita (2015) apart from improperly citing it merely as an application of the dust reverberation of AGNs, we present a brief comparison of both papers. Gandhi et al. compared the location of the FeK$alpha$ emitting region with the individually measured radius of the dust torus for type 1 AGNs, whereas Minezaki & Matsushita (2015) examined it based on the scaling relation of the dust reverberation radius for both type 1 and type 2 AGNs. Nevertheless, Gandhi et als main result is basically consistent with and supports the results of Minezaki & Matsushita (2015).
