SN 2013ab : A normal type IIP supernova in NGC 5669

Abstract in English

We present densely-sampled ultraviolet/optical photometric and low-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of the type IIP supernova 2013ab in the nearby ($sim$24 Mpc) galaxy NGC 5669, from 2 to 190d after explosion. Continuous photometric observations, with the cadence of typically a day to one week, were acquired with the 1-2m class telescopes in the LCOGT network, ARIES telescopes in India and various other telescopes around the globe. The light curve and spectra suggest that the SN is a normal type IIP event with a plateau duration of $ sim80 $ days with mid plateau absolute visual magnitude of -16.7, although with a steeper decline during the plateau (0.92 mag 100 d$ ^{-1} $ in $ V $ band) relative to other archetypal SNe of similar brightness. The velocity profile of SN 2013ab shows striking resemblance with those of SNe 1999em and 2012aw. Following the Rabinak & Waxman (2011) prescription, the initial temperature evolution of the SN emission allows us to estimate the progenitor radius to be $ sim $ 800 R$_{odot}$, indicating that the SN originated from a red supergiant star. The distance to the SN host galaxy is estimated to be 24.3 Mpc from expanding photosphere method (EPM). From our observations, we estimate that 0.064 M$_{odot}$ of $^{56}$Ni was synthesized in the explosion. General relativistic, radiation hydrodynamical modeling of the SN infers an explosion energy of $ 0.35times10^{51} $ erg, a progenitor mass (at the time of explosion) of $ sim9 $ M$_{odot}$ and an initial radius of $ sim600 $ R$_{odot}$.
