Signature of the chiral anomaly in a Dirac semimetal: a current plume steered by a magnetic field

Abstract in English

In this talk, we describe recent experimental progress in detecting the chiral anomaly in the Dirac semimetal Na$_3$Bi in the presence of a magnetic field. The chiral anomaly, which plays a fundamental role in chiral gauge theories, was predicted to be observable in crystals by Nielsen and Ninomiya in 1983 [1]. Theoretical progress in identifying and investigating Dirac and Weyl semimetals has revived strong interest in this issue [2-6]. In the Dirac semimetal, the breaking of time-reversal symmetry by a magnetic field $bf B$ splits each Dirac node into two chiral Weyl nodes. If an electric field $bf E$ is applied parallel to $bf B$, charge is predicted to flow between the Weyl nodes. We report the observation in the Dirac semimetal Na$_3$Bi of a novel, negative and highly anisotropic magnetoresistance (MR). We show that the enhanced conductivity has the form of a narrowly defined plume that can be steered by the applied field. The novel MR is acutely sensitive to deviations of $bf B$ from $bf E$, a feature incompatible with conventional transport. The locking of the current plume to the field appears to be a defining signature of the chiral anomaly.
